Department of Neuroscience
In vitro differentiation of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs).
(A) Colony of undifferentiated hESCs growing on a feeder layer. (B) Set of surface markers typical of undifferentiated hESCs. (C) Two to four weeks after the induction of neuroectodermal differentiation in vitro, the cells express markers of differentiated neurons.
Scaffolds and polymer constructs
Poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (pHEMA) and poly N-(2-hydroxypropyl)-methacrylamide hydrogels (pHPMA) belong to a group of synthetic, highly biocompatible polymers. In SCI repair they serve as a bridge for axonal growth across the lesion cavities. They also prevent scarring and thus create a permissive environment for tissue regeneration. In our Laboratory we investigate these hydrogels in combination with stem cells and/or scar-degrading enzymes and/or growth factors as bridges and cell carriers that support and facilitate regeneration after SCI. Another type of scaffold consists of electrospun nanofibers that can be used for cell culturing and for the transfer of cells into the host organism.
Bridging a chronic spinal cord lesion with biomaterials.
(A) Ingrowth of axons (staining for neurofilaments NF160) into a hydrogel implant that completely filled the post-traumatic cavity left after SCI.
(B) Cell/hydrogel implant 2 months after implantation. Mesenchymal stem cells survived
in the implanted hydrogel and migrated towards the spinal cord stump.
in the implanted hydrogel and migrated towards the spinal cord stump.
(C) One month after implantation, MSCs facilitate the ingrowth of astrocytes into the implant by forming guiding strands towards the hydrogel.
(D) Similarly, blood vessels grow in close contact with MSCs.
Clinical studies
Based on recent experimental studies, autologous bone marrow cell (BMC) implantation is used in our Phase I/II clinical trial in patients (n = 33) with a traumatic spinal cord lesion at Motol Hospital in Prague. Another clinical study involves the use of BMCs and MSCs in the treatment of patients with a lower limb ischemic disease. The study is performed in collaboration with the Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine in Prague.
Current grant support
GA CR, 203/09/1242, Surface-modified magnetic nanoparticles for cell labeling and in vivo and in vitro diagnostics, 2009–2011.
GA AS CR, IAA500390902, The use of stem cells and biomaterials for spinal cord injury repair, 2009–2012.
Ministry of Education, 1M0538, Center for cell therapy and tissue repair, 2005–2009.
GA AS CR, KAN,201110651, Combined contrast agents for molecular MR imaging, 2006–2010.
GA AS CR, KAN,200520804, Biocompatible nanofibers for application of biologicaly and pharmacologicaly active substances, 2008–2012.
GA CR, 304/07/1129, Polarised cultures of hepatocytes and mesenchymal cells on nanofiber membranes in an experimental bioreactor, 2007–2011.
EU 6th FP, LSHC-CT-2004-504743, Targeting-Tumour-Vascular/Matrix Interactions, ANGIOTARGETING, 2004–2009.
EU 6th FP, CA LSHB-CT-2005-518233, From stem cell technology to functional restoration after spinal cord injury, RESCUE, 2005–2009.
EU 6th FP, LSHB-CT-2006-037328, STREP, Pre-clinical evaluation of stem cell therapy in stroke, STEMS, 2006–2010.
EU 6th FP, LSHB-CT-2005-512146, Diagnostic Molecular Imaging: A Network of Excellence for Identification of NEW Molecular Imaging Markers for Diagnostic Purposes, DiMI, 2005–2010.
EU 6th FP, MSCF-CT-2006-046102, Spring School on Regenerative Medicine – how to use neuronal stem cells for science and business, RegMedTeach, 2006–2009.
EU 6th FP, MEST-CT-2005-019729, EST: Cooperation in research and training for European excellence in neuroscience, CORTEX, 2006–2009.
EU 6th FP, LSHM-CT-2005-019063: Network of European neuroscience institutes, ENINET, 2005–2009.
EU 7th FP, Programme PITN-GA-2008-214003, Axonal regeneration, plasticity & stem cells,
AXREGEN, 2008–2012.
AXREGEN, 2008–2012.
Selected recent publications
1. Jendelová P, Herynek V, Urdzíková L, Glogarová K, Kroupová J, Bryja V, Andersson B, Burian M, Hájek M, Syková E. (2004) MR tracking of transplanted bone marrow and embryonic stem cells labeled by iron oxide nanoparticles in rat brain and spinal cord. J Neurosci Res 76: 232–243.
2. Jendelova P, Herynek V, Urdzíková L, Glogarová K, Rahmatová S, Fales I, Andresson B, Procháka P, Zámečník J, Eckschlager T, Kobylka P, Hájek M, Syková E. (2005) MR Tracking of CD34+ progenitor cells separated by means of immunomagnetic selection and transplanted into injured rat brain. Cell Transplant 14: 173–182.
3. Syková E, Jendelová P, Urdzíková L, Lesný P, Hejčl A. (2006) Bone marrow stem cells and polymer hydrogels-two strategies for spinal cord injury repair Cell Mol Neurobiol 26(7–8): 1113–1129.
4. Syková E, Homola A, Mazanec R, Lachmann H, Konrádová SL, Kobylka P, Pádr R, Neuwirth J, Komrska V, Vávra V, Stulík J, Bojar M. (2006) Autologous bone marrow transplantation in patients with subacute and chronic spinal cord injury. Cell Transplant 15(8–9): 675–687.