Department of Neuroscience
5. Syková E, Jendelová P. (2007) Migration, fate and in vivo imaging of adult stem cells in the CNS. Cell Death Differ 14(7): 1336–1342. PDF file (350 k)
6. Hejčl A, Urdzíková L, Šedý J, Lesný P, Přádný M, Michálek J, Burian M, Hájek M, Zámečník J, Jendelová P, Syková E. (2008) Acute and delayed implantation of positively charged HEMA scaffolds in spinal cord injury in the rat. J Neurosurg–Spine 8 (1): 67–73. PDF file (3.5 M)
7. Babič M, Horák D, Trchová M, Jendelová P, Glogarová K, Lesný P, Herynek V, Hájek M, Syková E. (2008) Poly(l-lysine)-Modified Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Stem Cell Labeling. Bioconjug Chem 19(3): 740–750. PDF file (2.0 M)
Laboratory of Diffusion Studies and Imaging Methods
Research topics
The Laboratory of Diffusion Studies and Imaging Methods studies the changes in the extracellular space diffusion parameters and extrasynaptic (volume) transmission that occur during physiological and pathological states.
Several animal models of pathological states and diseases attacking the CNS are used, e. g., models of chronic pain, ischemia and ischemic lesions, perinatal and early postnatal anoxia, brain edema, hydrocephalus, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson‘s disease, Alzheimer‘s disease, tumors, epilepsy, developmental disorders, aging, and brain and spinal cord injury, as well as models of CNS damage evoked by chemical or physical factors such as neurotoxins or X-irradiation. The research aims are the improvement of therapy and diagnostic methods for CNS diseases and the prevention of CNS damage.
The current research focuses on:
- The origin, mechanisms and pathophysiological significance of ionic changes in the extracellular space;
- diffusion in the extracellular space: the underlying mechanism of extrasynaptic („volume“) transmission;
- diffusion studies using the real-time TMA+ iontophoretic method;
- diffusion studies using diffusion-weighted MR to measure the apparent diffusion coefficient of water;
- extracellular space volume and geometry – factors affecting diffusion in the CNS in health and disease;
- studies using models of pathological states, including transgenic animals;
- magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy.
Studies at the Laboratory are aimed at understanding the maintenance of ionic and volume homeostasis in the CNS, the extracellular space as a communication channel, the diffusion parameters of the extracellular space, extrasynaptic „volume“ transmission and the role of glia in signal transmission, behavior and regeneration.
Diffusion parameters in a glioblastoma.
Hematoxylin-Eosin staining of the human brain cortex and a glioblastoma (WHO grade IV) and representative TMA+ diffusion curves with the corresponding values of the ECS diffusion parameters α, λ and k´. In comparison with healthy tissue, the ECS volume fraction (α) is almost doubled and the tortuosity (λ) is significantly increased in a highly malignant glioblastoma.
Typical apparent diffusion coefficient of water (ADCW) maps in tenascin TN-R+⁄+ and TN-R–⁄– mice.
ADCW was calculated in five selected areas: the motor cortex (M), the primary somatosensory cortex (S1), the secondary somatosensory cortex (S2), the hippocampus (HIP) and the thalamus (TH). (A and B) The areas are outlined in the microphotographs of Cresyl Violet-stained slices. (C and D) The images show ADCW maps of TN-R+⁄+ and TN-R–⁄– mice; both images are from the same coronal plane as shown in (B). The scale at the bottom of the figure shows the relation between the intervals of ADCW values and the colors used for visualization. Note the lower ADCW throughout the whole slice from the TN-R–⁄– mouse when compared with the TN-R+⁄+ control.
Current grant support
AS CR, AV0Z50390512, Research project: Molecular, cellular and systems mechanisms of serious diseases of the human organism, their diagnosis, therapy and pharmacotherapy, 2005–2010.
Ministry of Education, 1M0538, Research center: Center for Cell Therapy and Tissue Repair, 2005–2009.
Ministry of Education, LC554, Research center: Center of Neuroscience, 2005–2009.
GA CR, 309/09/1597, Role of the extracelullar matrix in the extracelullar space diffusion parameter changes during aging and the metabolic syndrome, 2009–2013.
EU 6th FP, LSHC-CT-2004-504743, “Targeting-Tumour-Vascular/Matrix Interactions, ANGIOTARGETING, 2004–2009.
EU 6th FP, LSHB-CT-2005-512146, Diagnostic Molecular Imaging: A Network of Excellence for Identification of NEW Molecular Imaging Markers for Diagnostic Purposes, DiMI, 2005–2010.
EU 7th FP, Programme PITN-GA-2008-214003, Axonal regeneration, plasticity & stem cells, AXREGEN, 2008–2012.
Selected recent publications
1. Syková E, Voříšek I, Mazel T, Antonova T, Schachner M. (2005) Reduced extracellular space in the brain of tenascin-R- and HNK-1-sulphotransferase deficient mice. Eur J Neurosci 22: 1873–1880.
2. Syková E, Voříšek I, Antonova T, Mazel T, Meyer-Luehman M, Jucker M, Hájek M, Ort, M, Bureš J. (2005) Changes in extracellular space size and geometry in APP23 transgenic mice - a model of Alzheimer´s disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 102: 479–484.
3. Likavčanová K, Urdzíková L, Hájek M, Syková E. (2008) Metabolic changes in the thalamus after spinal cord injury followed by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Magn Reson Med 59(3): 499–506. PDF file (406 k)
4. Syková E, Vargová L. (2008) Extrasynaptic transmission and the diffusion parameters of the extracellular space. Neurochem Int 52(1–2): 5–13. PDF file (941 k)
5. Zoremba N, Homola A, Šlais K, Voříšek I, Rossaint R, Lehmenkühler A, Syková E. (2008) Extracellular diffusion parameters in the rat somatosensory cortex during recovery from transient global ischemia/hypoxia. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 28: 1665–1673.
6. Syková E, Nicholson C. (2008) Diffusion in brain extracellular space. Physiol Rev 88: 1277–1340. PDF file (3.3 M)
7. Voříšek I, Syková E. (2009) Measuring diffusion parameters in the brain: comparing the real-time iontophoretic method and diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance. Acta Physiol (Oxf) 195(1): 101–110. PDF file (495 k)