This book (Readers and Internauts. Czech Citizens and Their Attitude to Reading [2010]) deals with Czech reading culture in the present day. It is divided into four parts (encompassing seventeen chapters altogether): (1) “Frames” (readers and fi ction, reading in the digital age, methodological background, terminology); (2) “Reading” (reading and buying books, typology of readers, library users, reading of fi ction, reading and the internet, media use, reading of magazines); (3) “Time” (reading and leisure time, work -related reading); and (4) “Values” (reading and its connections to values and motivations, reading habits, comparison with other countries, survey respondents and their private utterances about books and reading, typology of readers’ behavior based on cluster analysis). What follows are conclusions providing a global interpretation of data as well as elucidating strong and weak traits of the current Czech situation. Readers and Internauts draws on statistical data acquired through a survey conducted by both the Institute for Czech Literature of the Czech Academy of Sciences and the National Library of the Czech Republic. Th e survey questioned a representative sample of the whole Czech population aged 15 years and over, comprising 1,550 anonymous respondents (statistical variation 2.5 %), between June 1 and June 30, 2010, using standard questionnaires (face -to -face interviews; the average interview was 30 minutes long). The 2010 survey focused in particular on reading fi ction and reading in the digital environment. Our intention is to repeat the survey every three years, using the same methodology, but with a changing focus on diff erent aspects of the reading culture (libraries, fiction, book market, reading and lifestyle, etc.).