People at CERGE-EI
Alena Bičáková, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Office: 325
Voice: +420-224 005 200
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Earned her Mgr. degree in Economics (1998) from the Institute of Economic Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague; M. Phil. degree in Economics (2000) from the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom; M.A. degree in Economics (2001) from CERGE-EI, Prague, and Ph.D. in Economics (2005) from the Johns Hopkins University, USA. She is a holder of the Eugenio and Patricia Castillo Award (Johns Hopkins University 2003). From November 2005 - September 2007 she worked as a Research Fellow at the Finance and Consumption Programme, European University Institute, Florence, Italy. Since 2007 she is a Researcher at the Economics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and an Assistant Professor at CERGE, Charles University, Prague.
Research orientation:
Labor economics, consumer credit, household portfolios, applied microeconomics.