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doc. PhDr. Petr Kratochvíl, CSc.

(born in 1950 Prague)

doc. PhDr. Petr Kratochvíl, CSc. Institute of Art History, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague Graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University, Prague (philosophy, psychology), he completed the studies by a dissertation entitled "Art and the Truth" (on the ontology of the work of art) in 1974. He received the degree PhDr. after defending the thesis “Ernst Cassirer - Philosophy of Culture“ in 1977. In 2009, he qualified as Associate Professor.

His research activities in the Institute of Art History resulted in a number of studies published in architectural and art-historic journals and also in his PhD (CSc.) thesis entitled "City as a Cultural Phenomenon - the History and Present" (1990). His research results in history and theory of architecture are above all comprised in books "Architecture and Town" (Prague 1996, co-authors P. Halík, O. Nový), "Czech Architecture 1989–1999" (Prague 1999, co-author P. Halík), “On the Sense and Interpretation of Architecture” (2005, anthology of translated essays), “Interviews with Architects” (2005). He participated also in collective research, both as a member of a research team or his head, on the problems of Prague´s development, on urban morphology, current world and Czech architecture and on special problem of the new architecture within the historic environment. Among collective works should be mentioned "New Encyclopedia of Czech Visual Arts" (1996) and "History of Czech Visual Arts - Vol. VI.", (in press) where he is the author of three chapters. He co-organized two international conferences in Prague: "Prague - l'avenir d'une ville historique", UNESCO conference 1991, and " The European City in the XIX. Century", 1993, and another one in Zlín "Central European Architecture 1890–1998". He took an active part (with papers) at conferences abroad - in recent years: "Architecture, Culture by 1900" in Buenos Aires (1999), “Medium Architektur” in Weimar (2003). In 2000 he prepared (together with P. Halik) the exhibition on Czech architecture of the 1990ies (Prague Castle, Berlin, Munich, den Haag, Brussels, London), in 2003 the exhibition “Czech Architects Abroad” (Prague, Berlin, Cairo), in 2005 the exhibition “Jan Hird Pokorný – Czech Architect in New York (Prague, together with V. Šlapeta) and in 2008 the exhibition “Green architecture.cz”. He is an external lecturer at the Faculty of Arts an Architecture of Technical Univerzity in Liberec.

Since 1994 he was member of the Academy Council of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and since 1998 till 2001 member of its presidium. 1998–2004 he was member of the Accreditation Commission of the Czech Republic. In 2001–2009 he was the vice-president of the Council of Sciences of ASCR.

+420 221 183 504
+420 222 221 654



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