
Ing. Oldřich Šifner, CSc.

Phone +420 266 053 033 E-mail Room M7202 Department D2 - Thermodynamics Position Scientific Consultant Research area thermophysical properties of fluids
Curriculum vitae
1966 CSc. (equivalent of Ph.D.), thermophysical properties of fluids
1954 Ing. (equivalent of M.Sc.), steam and gas turbines, Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
1973-1990 Head of Department of Thermodynamics
1962 Institute of Thermomechanics CSAV (now AS CR, v. v. i.)
1956 Institute of Mechanical Engineering CSAV
1954 Laboratory of Mechanical Engineering
Stays abroad
1964 Institute of Mechanics, Academy of Sciences USSR (1,5 months)
Scientific societies
since 1965 Cooperation with IAPS and later IAPWS under the leadership of Prof. J. Jůza. Secretary of the CS research group. Secretary of the local organizing committee of the IAPS Meetings 1981, 11th ICPWS Conference 1989 and IAPWS Meeting 2000 in Prague. From 1981 member of the IAPWS Working Group 1: Thermophysical Properties of Water and Steam (WG TPWS). 2001 Honorary Fellow of IAPWS.
1984-1999 Secretary of the Czechoslovak committee of CODATA
1983-1989 Secretary of the Working Group for the Thermophysical Properties of the Many-sided Cooperation of the Academies of Sciences of the Socialistic Countries in the Commission on the Physical-Technical Problems of Energetics
1993 Co-founder of the board of the Czech National Committee on the Properties of Water and Steam (CZ NC PWS) and its member till now
View author's publications in the ASCR database
Selected publications
  • More than 75 research or/and technical reports and papers
  • Co-editor of the Steam Conference Proceedings (Hemisphere Publ. Corp., New York, Washington, 1990) and two monographs on thermophysical properties of water and steam (Studie 1/90 and Studie 1/96, ACADEMIA Praha 1990 and 1996)
  • Tables of Properties of Water and Steam consistent with the IAPWS formulation IF97 (VUTIUM, Brno 1999)
  • Manuscript of a textbook “THERMOPHYSICAL PROPERTIES of FLUIDS - A brief summary of experimental techniques and representation of their results” (several times reduced and modified, now prepared in camera-ready form in MS Word for publication).
1995-1997 GA101/95/1369Evaluation of thermal cycles of refrigerating devices from the view of the thermophysical properties of refrigerents economical and ecological effects
1994-1996 A27602Experimental determination of pvT behavior of selected ecological refrigerants in a broad range of parameters: Measurement of R-134a and R-227 in gaseous and R-227 in liquid phases including evaluation
1991-1992 27605Experimental research into thermophysical properties of fluids. Measurement of the pvT behavior of methanol and R-134a, extension of the temperature range up to 250 °C, possibilities for measurements of mixtures and automation of thermal conductivity measurements in gases

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