LC-MS systémy

Waters UPLC-MS Acquity

Location:   Research team of Dr. Jiří Šrogl
Responsible person:   Dr. Svatava Voltrová (phone 220 183 392)

Waters UPLC-MS Acquity

The Waters UPLC-MS Acquity combines good resolution, sensitivity, and speed of UltraPerformance technology with single quadrupole MS detection. Rapid polarity switching and multi-mode ionization with simultaneous APCI and ESI for comprehensive compound analyses in a single injection, with ESCiTechnology. Control and data acquisition with MassLynx Software.

HPLC System Waters with Micromass ZQ MS detector

Location:   Research team of Dr. Ivo Starý
Responsible person:   Dr. Jiří Rybáček (phone 220 183 226)

HPLC System Waters with Micromass ZQ MS detector

This state-of-art HPLC-MS System Waters comprises Waters 515 HPLC pump, Knauer HPLC pump, Waters Micromass ZQ MS detector, Waters 2487 Dual λ absorbance system, Waters 2525 binary gradient module, Waters 2420 ELS detector, Waters 2267 sample manager and Water column fluidics organiser.

LC-MS System Waters

Location:   Research team of Dr. Ivan Rosenberg
Responsible person:   Dr. Eva Zborníková (phone 220 183 457)

LC-MS System Waters

Standard LC-MS system for analytical/semipreparative work comprises Waters 515 HPLC pump, Waters Micromass ZQ MS detector, Waters 600 controller, Waters 2998 photodiode array (PDA) detector and Waters sample manager.