Employees list

A | B | Č | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | P | R | Š | T | V | W | Z
Name E-mail Tel. Fax Workgroup
Václav Motyka vmotyka@ueb.cas.cz +420 225 106 437 Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants
Zuzana Mrázová mrazova@ueb.cas.cz 420 225 106 401 External cooperation
Karel Müller muller@ueb.cas.cz +420225106420 Plant Reproduction Laboratory
Petr Navratil navratilp@ueb.cas.cz +420 585 205 880 Laboratory of Molecular Cytogenetics and Cytometry
Oldřich Navrátil navratil@ueb.cas.cz 420 225 106 433 Laboratory of Virology
Ondřej Novák ondrej.novak@upol.cz +420 585 634 859 +420 585 634 870 Laboratory of Growth Substances
Miroslava Nováková mirnov@ueb.cas.cz +420608103772 Laboratory of Pathological Plant Physiology
Petr Nový novy@ueb.cas.cz, petrnovy68@seznam.cz +420 725 034 870, +420 720 410 699 THS
Josef Nulíček nulicek@ueb.cas.cz, +420220390224,
Markéta Pařezová parezova@ueb.cas.cz, +420 225 106 431, Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants
Milan Pavlík pavlik@ueb.cas.cz, pavlik@biomed.cas.cz 241062476, Isotope Laboratory
Tamara Pečenková pecenkova@ueb.cas.cz, 420 225 106 449, Laboratory of Cell Biology
Přemysl Pejchar pejchar@ueb.cas.cz, 225 106 418, Laboratory of Signal Transduction
Lucie Perry lucie@ueb.cas.cz, +420225106435, Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants
Bedřich Pešek pesek@ueb.cas.cz, +420 225 106 407, +420 225 106 421 Laboratory of Mass Spectrometry
Jan Petrášek petrasek@ueb.cas.cz, +420 225 106 429, Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants
Šárka Petrová petrova@ueb.cas.cz, +420 233 022 224, +420 233 022 479 Laboratory of Plant Biotechnologies
Beáta Petrovská petrovska@ueb.cas.cz, +420 585 205 863, +420 585 205 853 Laboratory of Plant Cytoskeleton and Cell Cycle
Helena Plchová plchova@ueb.cas.cz, +420 233 320 338, Laboratory of Virology
Roman Pleskot pleskot@ueb.cas.cz, +420 225 106 457, Laboratory of Cell Biology