2013 »
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19 Mar 09 - 3 Aug 13
Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
doc. Ing. Vladimír Benáček, CSc.
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Akademické konferenční centrum
Economic Sociology
Senior fellow
Place of employment:
Jilská 1, 110 00 Praha 1
00420 210 310 222
Realized projects
Family Businesses and the Factors of Their Growth. Co-author E. Michalíková
Economic Factors in the Choice of Profession and School in the Case of Secondary Education in Prague, Journal Lidé města / Urban People, 12 (3), 2010
Origins and Sources of the Czech Entrepreneurial Elite, Urban People - Lidé města, no. 1, Univerzita Karlova, 2008
Benáček V.: On the Origins of Entrepreneurship in Transition Countries: The Case of Czech Entrepreneurial Elite. Published in PSSS, PPF č. 022, FSV UK, duben, 2007
Monographs and chapters in monographs
The Gradual Evolution of the Czech Entrepreneurial Elite
Management of the Policies of Development in the Czech Republic: CzechInvest as an Example of Public Administration Competence. In: K. Staronova, L. Vass (edit.): Public Policy and Administration: Challenges and Synergies. Bratislava, NISP Acee Press, 2009, s. 15-36.
Policies for Competitiveness and Development in the Czech Republic during Transition Period. How the transition really works: Introduction to the Policies of Transition Based on the Czech Case, 1980-2008. Analytical material for the book "The Productive Transformation 20 Years after". CEPAL/ECLAC, Santiago, 2008, pp. 231-299
International Trade Theory and Its Methodology: Explaining the Structure of Migration Flows. Published in Angelescu I., S. Gherghina and P. Flather (edit.). 2010. Facets of Migration in Contemporary Europe – Interdisciplinary Approaches to Specific Challenges. Stuttgart, Ibidem Verlag, pp. 63–86, ISBN-10: 3-8382-0091-8.
National Plans as Indicative Targets for the Policies and Priorities of Public Administration. In: in M. Potůček, A. Rašek (editors): Stategic Social Governance in the Czech Republic. Prague, Grada Publishing, 2009
Dilemata ve vývoji české ekonomiky. Kap. C4 knihy Trendy, příležitosti a ohrožení České republiky" (M. Potůček, M. Mašková, edit.). Praha, Nakl. Karolinum, 2009, s. 150-191
V. Benáček: Alianza público-privada para la transformación productiva y la inserción internacional. 10 economías comparadas. Cap. VI. editado por R. Devlin and G. Moguillansky. En: La Transformación productiva 20 aňos dispués. Viejos problemas, nuevas oportunidades. CEPAL, Santiago, 2008, pp. 247-316
Benáček V.: Three Dimensions of Modern Social Governance: Markets, Hierarchies and Kinships. In: Democratic Governance in the CEECs: Challenges and Response for the XXI Century (A. Rosenbaum and J. Nemec, editors). Bratislava, NISPAcee Publ., ISBN 8089013252, 2006, p. 407-428
Benáček V.: Spontaneous Entrepreneurship Versus the Insider “Privatization” of State-Owned Enterprises. In: Encouraging Entrepreneurship in Eastern Europe. London, CRCE Publ., Centre for Research into Post-Communist Economies, 2006, ISBN 0-948027-460, s. 67-91
Benáček V.: Předmluva a editace textu knihy „Josef Macek: How Do We Think? Survey of the Ways of Reasoning“. Praha, Karolinum Press, 2006, 298s., ISBN 80-246-1179-1
Benáček V.: Foreword and editing of the manuscript „Josef Macek: How Do We Think? Survey of the Ways of Reasoning“. Prague, Karolinum Press, 2006, 298 p., ISBN 80-246-1179-1
Benáček V.: Zkreslení HDP v prostředí transformace. In: M. Loužek (edit.): Měříme správně HDP? Ekonomika, právo, politika č. 39, CEP, Praha, ISBN 80-86547-426, s. 87-104
Articles published in peer-reviewed journals
The Rise of Grand Entrepreneurs in the Czech Republic and Their Contest for Capitalism. Published in Czech Sociological Review, 42, č. 6, 2006, s. 1151-1170
Articles published in other journals (without peer review)
Las Tres Dimensiones del Gobierno Social Moderno: Mercados, Jerarquías y Parentescos. INPSICON, Bogotá, Columbia, April, 2007, http://www.inpsicon.com/estudios_realizados/espanol/Benaceck_Esp_09042007.pdf
El Empresario Espontáneo Versus la Privatización Interna de las Empresas Estatales. INPSICON, Bogotá, Colombia, Enero 2007
Research Reports
Perspektivy vývoje hospodářských vztahů ČR se zeměmi Latinské Ameriky. Příspěvek do zprávy předsedy PS Parlamentu ČR "Stav vztahů ČR se zeměmi Latinské Ameriky". Publikace Parlamentu ČR, duben 2010. Perspektivy vývoje hospodářských vztahů ČR se zeměmi Latinské Ameriky.. Příspěvek do zprávy předsedy PS Parlamentu ČR "Stav vztahů ČR se zeměmi Latinské Ameriky". Publikace Parlamentu ČR, duben 2010.
Other publications
Taxislužba - příklad tržní nedokonalosti a regulace. Socioweb č. 5, s. 5-10
Papers presented at international conferences
Benáček V.: Political Economy of Re-integrating Cuba into the World Economy. Paper of the 7th Arnoldshain Seminar, Vienna, 2006 and the Globalisation Conference in Rome, 2007
Papers published in conference proceedings
Benáček V.: Three Dimensions of Modern Social Governance: Markets, Hierarchies and Kinships. Published In: Proceedings from the 13th NISPAcee Annual Conference „Democratic Governance for the XXI Century“, Moscow, May 19-21, 2005, ISBN 80-89013-21X
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Realized projects
Monographs and chapters in monographs
Articles published in peer-reviewed journals
Articles published in other journals (without peer review)
Research Reports
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Papers presented at international conferences
Papers published in conference proceedings
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