Špaček, O., J. Šafr. 2010. „Volný čas, sport a kulturní vkus: rozdíly podle společenského postavení.“ [Leisure Time, Sport and Cultural Taste: Differences by Social Standing] Pp. 81–99 in H. Maříková, T. Kostelecký, T. Lebeda, M. Škodová (eds.). Jaká je naše společnost? Otázky, které si často klademe…. Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství.

keywords: social stratification, leisure, sports, cultural taste


The chapter deals with relationship between social position and leisure time, sports participation and cultural taste. There is a brief characterisation of changes in lifestyle in the Czech Republic after 1989. Data from ISSP 2007 – Leisure Time and Sports Czech survey are used for mapping social differences in leisure preferences and activities, sports participation and newspaper readership. The analysis is focused especially at the importance of socioeconomic status and gender.

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