Did backcrossing contribute to the origin of hybrid edible bananas?

De Langhe, E., Hřibová, E., Carpentier, S., Doležel, J., Swennen, R.
ANNALS OF BOTANY 106 : 849-857 , 2010
Klíčová slova: Backcrossing, banana, breeding, genotype, hybrids, Musa

Two new nuclear isolation buffers for plant DNA flow cytometry: A test with 37 species

Loureiro, J.; Rodriguez, E.; Doležel, Jaroslav; Santos, C.
ANNALS OF BOTANY 100 [4] : 875-888 , 2007
Klíčová slova: flow cytometry; general purpose buffer; genome size

Flow cytometric and microscopic analysis of the effect of tannic acid on plant nuclei and estimation of DNA content

Loureiro, J.; Rodriguez, E.; Doležel, Jaroslav; Santos, C.
ANNALS OF BOTANY 98 : 515-527 , 2006
Klíčová slova: genome size; flow cytometry; nuclear DNA content

Nuclear DNA content variation among central European Koeleria taxa

Pečinka, A.; Suchánková, Pavla; Lysák, Martin; Trávníček, B.; Doležel, Jaroslav
ANNALS OF BOTANY 98 : 117-122 , 2006
Klíčová slova: Chromosome number; nuclear DNA content; flow cytometry

Comparison of four nuclear isolation buffers for plant DNA flow cytometry

Loureiro, J.; Rodriguez, E.; Doležel, Jaroslav; Santos, C.
ANNALS OF BOTANY 98 : 679-689 , 2006
Klíčová slova: flow cytometry; genome size; nuclear DNA content

The origin, evolution and proposed stabilization of the terms "genome size' and 'C-value' to describe nuclear DNA contents

Greilhuber, J.; Doležel, Jaroslav; Lysák, Martin; Bennett, M. D.
ANNALS OF BOTANY 95 [1] : 255-260 , 2005
Klíčová slova: genome size; C-value; Cx-value

Plant DNA flow cytometry and estimation of nuclear genome size

Doležel, Jaroslav; Bartoš, Jan
ANNALS OF BOTANY 95 : 99-110 , 2005
Klíčová slova: flow cytometry; nuclear genome size; DNA C-value

Variation in DNA-ploidy levels in Reynoutria taxa in the Czech Republic

Mandák, Bohumil; Pyšek, Petr; Lysák, Martin; Suda, Jan; Krahulcová, Anna; Bímová, Kateřina
ANNALS OF BOTANY 92 : 265-272 , 2003
Klíčová slova: clonality; Fallopia; flow cytometry

Dynamics of Endogenous Cytokinin Pools in Tobacco Seedlings: a Modelling Approach

Lexa, M.; Genkov, T.; Malbeck, Jiří; Macháčková, Ivana; Brzobohatý, Břetislav
ANNALS OF BOTANY 91 [5] : 585-597 , 2003
Klíčová slova: cytokinin analysis; O-glucosyl transferase; N-glucosyl transferase
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