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Máte zájem o kvalitní učební texty o mechanice kontinua z pera profesora Cyrila Höschla? Česká společnost pro mechaniku zdigitalizovala skripta z let 1973 až 1988...
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Fundamental theoretical and experimental research in fluid mechanics, mainly internal aerodynamics, transitional and turbulent shear flows, and computational fluid dynamics; some aspects of external and environmental aerodynamics including modelling of atmospheric flows, dispersion and environmental and wind engineering problems and processes in Atmospheric Boundary Layer.
The Institute of Thermomechanics ASCR, Czech Society for Mechanics and the ERCOFTAC Czech Pilot Centre will organise on October 19 – 21, 2011 »»»
Turbulence will be introduced as the typical state of real flowing viscous fluids (historical overview). Attributes of turbulence will be presented (diffusivity, deterministic chaos, fractal structure…). A mathematical model will be introduced and its basic properties will be shown including the Kolmogorov theory. Then a few phenomenological aspects will demonstrate the typical features of the phenomenon (stability, complexity…).
The aim of the conference is to discuss contemporary problems of fluid mechanics and to bring out latest results obtained in the course of solution of grant projects supported by grant agencies in Czech Republic and abroad. The attendance of experts from the academician institutes, technical universities and from the other research institutions is assumed. The official languages of the conference are English and Czech. »»»
The Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v.v.i., Prague, the Czech Society for Mechanics and the ERCOFTAC Czech Pilot Centre will organize Colloquium FLUID DYNAMICS 2010 held on October 20 – 22, 2010. »»»
Dr. Hiromasa Nakayama is a researcher in the Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Ibaraki, Japan.
Abstract: There is a potential problem that hazardous and flammable materials are accidentally or intentionally released into the atmosphere, either within or close to populated urban areas. For the assessment of human health hazard from toxic substances, the existence of high concentration peaks in a plume should be considered. »»»
The highly accurate simulation of turbulent rotating flows within cavity is of interest for both engineering applications, such as designing rotational machinery, and fundamental research, as one of the simplest cases where the turbulent boundary layers are three-dimensional. Attempting to compute these flows using statistical approaches has had only partial success. »»»
The aim of the conference is to discuss contemporary problems of fluid mechanics and to bring out latest results obtained in the course of solution of grant projects supported by grant agencies in Czech Republic and abroad. The attendance of experts from the academician institutes, technical universities and from the other research institutions is assumed. The official languages of the conference are English and Czech. »»»
Prof. Seifert will present two recent research projects conducted in Tel Aviv using active flow control. The first project describes taking airfoil separation control concept to flight while the second describes the application of the newly developed suction and oscillatory blowing actuator for aerodynamic drag reduction of large trucks. »»»
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