Vol. 131, No. 3, 2006 · Contents

Stanislaw Szufla:
On the Volterra integral equation with weakly singular kernel

Boonpogkrong Varayu, Tuan Seng Chew:
The Henstock-Kurzweil approach to Young integrals with integrators in $\BV_\phi$

Andrzej Lesniewski, Tadeusz Rzezuchowski:
Semipermeable surfaces for non-smooth differential inclusions

Guoju Ye:
Some characterizations of the primitive of strong Henstock-Kurzweil integrable functions

Zoltan Buczolich, Andras Mathe:
Where are typical $C^1$ functions one-to-one?

Josef Kalas:
Asymptotic properties of an unstable two-dimensional differential system with delay

Irena Rachunkova, Milan Tvrdy:
Periodic singular problem with quasilinear differential operator

[Contents of Mathematica Bohemica] [Full text of the older issues of Mathematica Bohemica at EMIS]