Waveguide-based components
Characterization of integrated optics devices, inscription of long period gratings.
Laboratory of Optical Fibres
Optical fibre preparation (MCVD perform preparation, drawing, characterization).
Laboratory of Nonlinear Fiber Optics
Characterization of fibers doped with rare-earth ions for fibre amplifiers and lasers.
Laboratory for characterization of optical fibers
Optical fibre characterization.
Laboratory of the National Time and Frequency Standard (CMI Associate Laboratory)
Physical realization of the TAI second. Generation of the national time scale UTC(TP).
Laboratory for frequency stability measurements
Characterization of ultra-stable quartz oscillators in time and frequency domains.
Laboratory of fluorescent spectrometry
Holographic laboratory
Preparation of diffraction gratings and periodic nanostructures by interference lithography.
Nanostructures characterization laboratory
Characterization of surface morphology and optical properties of optical substrates, thin films and nanostructures.
Spectroscopic laboratory
Characterization of chemical compounds and surfaces by means of UV-Vis, Raman and IR spectroscopy.
Optical sensors development laboratory
Development and validation of novel types of optical sensors.
Biochemical laboratories with surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensors
Laboratories with SPR biosensors for measurement of biochemical samples.
Laboratory for surface characterization
Laboratories for characterization of surfaces which are used mainly for measurements with SPR biosensors.
Biochemical laboratories
Preparation of chemical samples mainly for measurements with SPR biosensors.
Thin film deposition laboratory
Thin film deposition by thermal evaporation in vacuum.