20th Anniversary Speakers
Robert Hahn
Oxford, Manchester & Georgetown
Speaker at Forum 2000
Robert Hahn is Director of Economics at the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment at Oxford, a Professor of Economics at Manchester, and a Senior Fellow at the Georgetown Center for Business and Public Policy. From 1999 to 2008, Professor Hahn served as the director of the AEI-Brookings Joint Center, a leader in policy research in law and economics, regulation, and antitrust. Previously, he worked for the President’s Council of Economic Advisers, where he helped design the innovative market-based approach for reducing acid rain. He also has served on the faculties of Harvard University and Carnegie Mellon University. Professor Hahn is a frequent contributor to leading scholarly journals including the American Economic Review, Science, and the Yale Law Journal, as well as to general-interest periodicals including the New York Times and Forbes.com. He is also the co-founder of Regulation2point0.org. He is the author of several books, among them Reviving Regulatory Reform: A Global Perspective. He currently serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, Policy and Internet, Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, Policy and Regulation. Professor Hahn has served as a consultant to government and business on a variety of issues ranging from encouraging private investment in Mexico City, to designing more cost-effective alternative fuels policy in the U.S., to rethinking the way we regulate the internet. In addition, he is co-founder of the Community Preparatory School, an inner-city middle school in Providence, Rhode Island, that provides opportunities for disadvantaged youth to achieve their full potential.