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Grant P201/11/1304     1.1.2011 - 31.12.2013

Flow of fluids in domains with variable geometry

The goal of the project is to get new relevant results concerning flow in domains with varying geometry. From the viewpoint of theoretical analysis, we will deal with flow of fluids (incompressible and compressible) around a rotating body (existence of weak or very weak solutions, asymptotic behaviour solutions, artificial boundary conditions) in case that the axis of rotation of the body and the velocity at infinity are parallel or not parallel. We will also investigate the related hydrodynamical potential theory. Moreover, we will investigate the case of motion of rigid bodies in viscous fluid (mostrly non-Newtonian incompressible and Newtonian compressible), in several cases we include the changes of temperature. Part of the problems mentioned above will be solved numerically. Finally, we perform the numerical simulation of flow of fluids in domains with complicated geometry corresponding to the flow of blood in healthy veins as well as in cases of cardiovascular diseases.

 Participating institutions:

Institute of Mathematics AS CR
Faculty of Engineering, Czech Technical University
Mathematical and Physical faculty, Charles University