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More about BIOCEV project

New Laboratories for Polymer Research Named after Otto Wichterle

The scientists of the Otto Wichterle Centre of Polymer Materials and Technologies (CPMT OW) Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry (ÚMCH) of the Academy of Sciences of the CR are beginning to work in new laboratories. They were ceremonially opened on Thursday, 3rd November 2011 within the Open House Days of the Institutes (3–4 November), which are in the programme of the Science and Technology Week (STW) festival. On this occasion, the director of the institute Doctor František Rypáček emphasised the fundamental importance of polymers for modern man. They have penetrated into electronics, pharmacy and medicine and are becoming indispensible for us.

The event was attended also by the President of the Academy of Sciences of the CR Prof. Jiří Drahoš, who in his speech he reminded the audience of the parallel between the motto of the STW festival ‘Science for Life’ and the figure of Prof. Otto Wichterle: ‘He was a typical example of a scientist, who did a great deal precisely for life. The proof can be the millions of people all over the world who use his invention of contact lenses.’
The CPMT OW was built with the support of the Operation Programme Prague – Competitiveness (OPPK) and is endowed with more than sixty years of experience in macromolecular research, a desire for knowledge and untraditional methods, like those also of the founder of the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the ASCR prof. Otto Wichterle, after whom the new centre has been named.
From contact lenses to plastic electronics
The basic and applied research of the CPMT OW covers a wide spectrum of materials and technologies. The researchers here will inter alia investigate the polymers utilisable for flexible printed electronics, pliable and large-area displays or identification labels on the packages of products, capable of providing information on changes in the chemical composition, shelf life, etc. The development of technologies for recycling polyurethane foam from car wrecks will allow us on the other hand to transform undesirable bulky waste into raw materials that can be utilised again in the production of new materials and components. Thanks to the methods developed at the CPMT OW, it will also be possible to modify waste starch into biodegradable plastics, usable e.g. for the production of a mulching foil in agriculture. The furnished modern devices of the Centre are also used in the research of polymer materials for medicine, e.g. in artificial replacement joints – with the aim of increasing their reliability and lifespan. Last but not least, the CPMT OW offers the technical base and opportunity for quality education in macromolecular technologies both for students and specialists from industry.
For more information: Ing. Daniela Illnerová, ÚMCH, ASCR, tel: 296 809 331, email: illnerova@imc.cas.cz
Prepared by: Department of Media Communication of the Head Office of the ASCR and Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the CR
Photo: Stanislava Kyselová, Akademický bulletin


25 Nov 2011


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