Název: Primární biofyzikální interakce elektromagnetických polí s biologickými strukturami na buněčné a subbuněčné úrovni
Poskytovatel: Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR
Řešitel: Ing. Jiří Pokorný, DrSc.
Člen: Ing. František Jelínek, CSc.; Ing. Jaroslav Šaroch; Ing. Fedor Šrobár, DrSc.; Jaroslav Velvarský
Od: 2002-01-01
Do: 2006-09-30

Theoretical and experimental study of the primary physical link of interaction of electromagnetic fields with cells and subcellular structures  (human and nonhuman). Measurement os physiological and disturbed endogenous fields. Determination of structures interacting with external electromagnetic fileds on cellular and subcellular level and of physiological and disturbed fields.

Determination of the effects of magnetic fields with the power supply frequencies on human immunity using in vitro test. Measurement of electromagnetic emission from model systems (e.g. yeast cells) in the freqency band to 50GHz. Theoretical assessment of the polar structures with supply energy (e.g. microtubules and photosynthetic systems).