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Employees list

A | B | Č | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | P | R | Š | T | U | V | W | Z
Name E-mail Tel. Fax Workgroup
Zuzana Krčková cajdza@seznam.cz +420739436787 Laboratory of Signal Transduction
Marie Kubaláková mariek@ueb.cas.cz, kubalakova@ueb.cas.cz 585205858 585205853 Laboratory of Molecular Cytogenetics and Cytometry
Martin Kubeš kubes@ueb.cas.cz, +420225106435 Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants
Hana Kymrová kymrova@ueb.cas.cz, +420 233 331 032 Editorial Office
Přemysl Landa landa@ueb.cas.cz, +420233022213 Laboratory of Plant Biotechnologies
Lenka Langhansová langhansova@ueb.cas.cz, +420 233 022 213 +420 233 022 479 Laboratory of Plant Biotechnologies
Martina Laňková lankova@ueb.cas.cz, martina.lankova@seznam.cz +420 225 106 431, +420 775 432 478 Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants
Zuzana Levkaničová levkanicova@ueb.cas.cz, +420 225 106 451, Laboratory of Pollen Biology
Otto Louda ueb.strizovice@seznam.cz, 485 177 430, Station of apple breeding for disease resistance
Alena Loužecká louzecka@ueb.cas.cz, 225106 451, Laboratory of Pollen Biology
Zuzana Lubovská lubovska@ueb.cas.cz, lubovska@seznam.cz 224 310 109, Laboratory of Stress Physiology
Hana Lukšanová luksanova@ueb.cas.cz, +420225106426, +420225106427 Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants
Jiří Malbeck malbeck@ueb.cas.cz, +420 225 106 407, +420 225 106 421 +420 225 106 407 Laboratory of Mass Spectrometry
Kateřina Malínská malinska@ueb.cas.cz, +420 225 106 429, +420 225 106 431 Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants
Petr Maršík marsik@ueb.cas.cz, +420 233 022 213, +420 233 022 479 Laboratory of Plant Biotechnologies
Olga Martincová martincovao@ueb.cas.cz, +420 225 106 405, Laboratory of Biologically Active Compounds
Jan Martinec martinec@ueb.cas.cz, +420 225 106 416, +420 776 629 209 Laboratory of Signal Transduction
Karel Matras matras@ueb.cas.cz, karel.matras@seznam.cz +420 225 106 415, +420 602 221 651 THS
Miroslav Matucha matucha@biomed.cas.cz, 241062484, Isotope Laboratory
Zdeněk Mikula ueb.strizovice@seznam.cz, 485 177 430, Station of apple breeding for disease resistance