
Programme and Daily Schedule

The basic structure of each Graduate School event consists of a six-day programme with about 6 distinguished scholars and about 40 graduate student/young researcher participants. The programme entails 5 ‘Lecture days’ plus one day of parallel workshops. On each of the lecture days the lecturer gives 2 lectures, one, a state of the art lecture emphasising a particular theoretical/methodological problem of ISTAR, the other, an applied ‘science-in-action’ lecture drawing on the lecturer’s own recent or ongoing research. Lecture days begin with a lecture from a leading researcher providing a comprehensive overview of their field of expertise, followed by presentations by two graduate students on sub-topics related to particular areas within the filed. The afternoon programme consists of an applied lecture, where the lecturer provides a detailed exposition of his/her recent or ongoing empirical research. The day’s programme concludes with a Workshop paper presentations by a young researchers or advanced graduate students. Each individual session is designed to ensure adequate time for detailed discussion and critique.

Programme of the ECSR Summer School:


Thursday, August 24         Arrival, welcome reception


Friday, August 25              Lecturer: Jaap Dronkers                 

Lecture: Using available data for doing own research: The relation between education and divorce.


Research: Differences in educational performance between first and second-generation migrant-pupils coming from  various regions and that of native pupils in Europe and the Pacific Rim


Saturday, August 26          Lecturer: Robert M. Hauser

Lecture: How to look for trends and differentials in educational stratification

Research: Long and short-term trends and differentials in educational stratification in the United States.


Sunday, August 27             Lecturer: Yossi Shavit

Lecture: Persistent Inequality of Educational Opportunity? – A Literature Review

Research: More Inclusion than Diversion: Expansion, Differentiation, and Privatization in Higher Education


Monday, August 28             Lecturer: Cordula Artelt

Lecture: Social disparities: What can be learned from OECD's PISA study

Research: Social disparities: Proximal variables for describing mechanisms at work


Tuesday, August 29            Lecturer: Jan Jonsson

Lecture: Recent research into educational stratification and mobility in comparative perspective

Research: Class origin and educational strategies


Wednesday, August 30        Concluding Roundtable

Roundtable participants: Robert M. Hauser, Jaap Dronkres, Yossi Shavit, Jan Jonsson, Cordula Artelt

Roundtable will be chaired by Petr Matějů, Robert M. Hauser and Taissa S. Hauser


Thursday, August 31             Departure


Detailed programme:


Thursday        August 24   
                        17:30              Meeting in the lobby of the hostel
18:00                18:30             Short meeting in the Institute of Sociology (see the map)
19:00                21:00             Welcome party (at the Monarch wine cellar
                                               Na Perštýně 15, 110 00 Praha 1 (see location on the map)


Friday             August 25    Institute of Sociology
9:00                  10:30             Lecture 1 (Jaap Dronkers)
10:30                11:00             Coffee
11:00                12:00             Lecture 2 (Jaap Dronkers)
12:00                13:30             Lunch
13:30                14:45             2 papers + discussion
                                                    1. Alieva, Aigul  (Dronkers)
                                                    2. Pasztor, Adel (Dronkers)
14:45                15:00             Coffee break
15:00                16:15             2 papers + discussion
                                                   3. Akifyeva, Raisa (Dronkers)
                                                   4. Gutiérrez, Esteban Prudencia  (Hauser)



Saturday          August 26    Institute of Sociology
9:00                  10:30             Lecture 1 (Robert. M. Hauser)
10:30                11:00             Coffee
11:00                12:00             Lecture 2 (Robert. M. Hauser)
12:00                13:30             Lunch
13:30                14:45             2 papers + discussion
                                                    5. Tieben, Nicole (Hauser)
                                                    6. Rohrbach, Daniela (Hauser)
14:45                15:00             Coffee break
15:00                16:15             2 papers + discussion
                                                    7. Schneider, Silke (Hauser)
                                                    8. Martínez, Pastor Juan (Matějů)


Sunday            August 27    Institute of Sociology
9:00                  10:30             Lecture 1 (Yossi Shavit)
10:30                11:00             Coffee
11:00                12:00             Lecture 2 (Yossi Shavit)
12:00                13:30             Lunch
13:30                14:45             2 papers + discussion
                                                   9. Horn, Daniel (Shavit)
                                                 10. Noelke, Clemens (Shavit)
14:45                15:00             Coffee break
15:00                16:15             2 papers + discussion
                                                   11. Kroos, Karmo (Shavit)
                                                   12. Webbink, Ellen (Shavit)


Monday          August 28    Institute of Sociology
9:00                  10:30             Lecture 1 (Cordula Artlet)
10:30                11:00             Coffee
11:00                12:00             Lecture 2  (Cordula Artlet)
12:00                13:30             Lunch
13:30                14:45             2 papers + discussion
                                                   13. Paulus, Wiebke (Artelt)
                                                   14. Václavíková-Helšusová, Lenka (Artelt)
14:45                15:00             Coffee break
15:00                16:15             2 papers + discussion
                                                  15. Jarkovska, Lucie (Artelt)
                                                  16. Aas, Kadri (Artelt)


Tuesday          August 29    Institute of Sociology
9:00                  10:30             Lecture 1 (Jan Jonsson)
10:30                11:00             Coffee
11:00                12:00             Lecture 2 (Jan Jonsson)
12:00                13:30             Lunch
13:30                14:45             2 papers + discussion
                                                   17. González, Sancho Carlos (Jonsson)
                                                   18. Simonová, Natalie (Jonsson)
14:45                15:00             Coffee break
15:00                16:15             2 papers + discussion
                                                  19. Kloosterman, Rianne (Jonsson)
                                                  20. Meo, Analia (Jonsson)


Wednesday     August 30    Trip to Český Krumlov
8.00                                        Departure from Masaryk Dormitory
16:00                17:30             Concluding round table
                                               (Chair: Robert M. Hauser, 
                                                introductory presentations Petr Mateju
                                                and Taissa S. Hauser)  
19:30                                      Departure to Prague
22:30                                     Arrival to Prague




Further information about lectures:





Readings from Prof. Jaap Dronkers


Marks, G. N., 2005. "Accounting for immigrant non-immigrant differences in reading and mathematics in twenty countries." Ethnic and Racial Studies 28:925-946. (See the list of files to be downloaded)
Tubergen, F. van, Maas, I. & Flap, H. (2004). The Economic Incorporation of Immigrants in 18 Western Societies: Origin, Destination, and Community Effects. American Sociological Review, 69, 704-727. 

Levels, M.  & Dronkers, J. (2005)  Differences in educational performance between first and second-generation migrant-pupils coming from various regions and that of native pupils in Europe and Pacific Rim. Radboud University Nijmegen & European University Institute. Paper presented at the European Consortium of Sociological Research Institutes conference ‘Comparative European Studies. Assessing ten years of sociological research 1995-2005’ Paris, 25-26 November 2005. (See the list of files to be downloaded)

Dronkers, J. &  Levels, M. (2006) Social-economic and ethnic school-segregation in Europe and Australia and educational achievement of migrant-pupils coming from various regions of origins. Paper presented at the spring meeting 2006 of the ISA Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility: Intergenerational transmissions: cultural, economic or social resources?. May 11th – 14th 2006, Nijmegen, Netherlands. (See the list of files to be downloaded)





Dronkers, J. and Bros, L. (2006).  Is there a relation between divorce risk and intelligence? Evidence from the Netherlands?  (See the list of files to be downloaded)


Härkönen, J. and Dronkers, J (2006). Stability and Change in the Effects of Female Educational Attainment and the Risk of Union Dissolution. A Seventeen-Countries Comparison. EUI Working Papers 2006/4. (See the list of files to be downloaded)



Readings assigned by Prof. Robert M. Hauser
Mare, Robert D. 1980. "Social Background and School Continuation Decisions." Journal of the American Statistical Association 75:293-305. (See the list of files to be downloaded)
Hauser, Robert M. and Megan Andrew. 2006. "Another Look at the Stratification of Educational Transitions: The Logistic Response Model With Partial Proportionality Constraints." Sociological Methodology 2006:forthcoming. (See the list of files to be downloaded)
Mare, Robert D. 2006. "Statistical Models of Educational Stratification: Hauser and Andrew's Models for School Transitions." Sociological Methodology 2006:forthcoming. (See the list of files to be downloaded)
Frederick, Carl B. and Robert M. Hauser. 2005. "Have We Put an End to Social Promotion? Changes in Grade Retention Rates Among Children Aged 6 to 17 From 1972 to 2003." Meetings of the American Sociological Association (Philadelphia, PA). (See the list of files to be downloaded)
Cameron, Stephen V. and James J. Heckman. 1998. "Life Cycle Schooling and Dynamic Selection Bias: Models and Evidence for Five Cohorts of American Males." Journal of Political Economy 106(2):262-333. (See the list of files to be downloaded)
Lucas, Samuel R. 2001. "Effectively Maintained Inequality: Education Transitions, Track Mobility, and Social Background Effects." American Journal of Sociology 106(6):1642-90. (See the list of files to be downloaded).


Readings assigned by Prof. Yossi Shavit
Breen, R., R. Luijkx, W. Müller and R. Pollak. Non-Persistent Inequality in Educational Attainment: Evidence from eight European Countries. Paper presented at the meeting of Research Committee 28 (ISA) Inequality and Mobility in Family, School, and Work, Los Angeles, August 18-21, 2005. (See the list of files to be downloaded)
Shavit, Y. and P. Blossfeld: Persisting Bariers: Changes in Educationl Opportunities in Thirteen Countries. Pp. 1 – 24 in Shavit, Y. and H. P. Blossfeld (eds). Persisting Inequality. Changing Educational Attainment in Thirteen Countries. Westview Press, 1993. (See the list of files to be downloaded)
Arum, R., A. Gamoran, and Y.Shavit : More Inclusion than Diversion: Expansion, Differentiation, and Market Structure in Higher Education. In: Y. Shavit, R. Arum and A. Gamoran (with G. Menahem): Expansion and Inequality in Higher Education. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press (forthcoming). (See the list of files to be downloaded)



Readings assigned by Prof. Cordula Artelt
OECD (2001). Knowledge and Skills for Life – First Results from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2000: Chapter 6 “Family Background and Student Performance” (p 137-158). Paris: OECD. (See the list of files to be downloaded)
OECD (2004). Learning for Tomorrow’s Word – First Results from PISA 2003. Chapter 4 “How Student Performance Varies between Schools and the Role that Socio-economic Background Plays in This” (p 159-204) Paris: OECD. (See the list of files to be downloaded)


Readings assigned by Prof. Jan O. Jonsson
Erikson, R. and Jan.O. Jonsson. (eds). 1996. Can Education Be Equalized? The Swedish Case in Comparative Perspective. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press. Introductory chapter.
Jonsson, J.O, D. B. Grusky, M. DiCarlo, R. Pollak, M. C. Brinton. 2006. The role of occupational inheritance in the social mobility process. Paper presented at the RC28 meeting in Oslo, May 2005 and at the 37th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology Stockholm, July 2005. (See the list of files to be downloaded)
Breen, R. J.O. Jonsson. 2005. Inequality of Opportunity in Comparative Perspective: Recent Research on Educational Attainment and Social Mobility. Annual Review of Sociology, 2005. 31:223–43. (See the list of files to be downloaded)










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