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V listopadu vychází knížka anglických esejů bývalého oblíbeného lektora a zkušeného editora vědeckých textů Richarda Haase. Knížka má nejen klasickou tištěnou podobu, ale také elektronickou verzi. K vydání v Ústavu pro jazyk český ji připravil Akademický bulletin a k dostání bude v knihkupectví Academia.



Akademický bulletin vstoupil do věku dospělosti

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The province of Carinthia is making two grants available for participation in the Management of Protected Areas MSc course. The grant of € 6,200 is targeted at applicants from Central and Eastern Europe, which have a need to make up economic ground on other European states. It gives applicants access to international expertise and global networks. Both grants will be awarded as part of a competition. Apply now, the terms and conditions are detailed below.

Examples of Masters dissertations for the MSc course include "Visitors' management and infrastructure in Serengeti National Park", "Governance in Biosphere Reserves", "Relocation of a village in an Ethiopian National Park”, “Sacred Sites in Ecuador”, “New Cooperations between Regional Businesses and National Park Kalkalpen”. The subjects are as varied as the course itself. The final modules of the current course are being completed as we write. In the next few weeks participants will complete their studies, then publicly present their dissertations and make them available for discussion during "Klagenfurt Days of Protected Areas" on 1 July in Klagenfurt. The next "Management of Protected Areas" course will start in September 2011. The deadline for applications is 31 May. Numerous enquiries and applications have already been received.
  Terms and conditions for taking part in the grant competition:
  • Young experts with practical experience in the field of management of protected areas from the following countries: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Turkey, Hungary,  are eligible to take part.
  • Fulfilment of admission criteria for the course: graduate, good English.
  • Please submit the grant form, the completed application form, and a detailed curriculum vitae.
  • Deadline: 30 April 2011
Enquiries regarding participation: mpa@e-c-o.at.
