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95 captures
19 Mar 09 - 5 Sep 20
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CodeTitleInvestigatorStartsort iconEnd
Sufrace properties of metastable fluids for technical applications - theoretical and experimental studyIng. Václav Vinš, Ph.D.20112013
Thermoacoustic prime moverIng. Zdeněk Trávníček, CSc.20112013
Investigationof non-equilibrium steam condensation: A new approachIng. Jan Hrubý, CSc.20112015
Design of intelligent composite structuresdoc. Ing. Jan Červ, CSc.20112014
New adaptive higher-order monolithic methods for numerical solution of evolutionary multiphysics problems in electrical engineeringRNDr. Pavel Šolín, Ph.D.20112015
Coupled problems of fluid and solid mechanics - nonlinear aeroelasticityIng. Jaromír Horáček, DrSc.20112015
prof. RNDr. Zbyněk Jaňour, DrSc.20112014
Modernisation of diagnostics system for helicopter engine and drive unitIng. Zdeněk Převorovský, CSc.20112013
Modern mathematical and computational models for inelastic processes in solidsprof. Ing. Tomáš Roubíček, DrSc.20102014
Interaction of the free turbulent flow and the temperature field generated by parallel line heat sourcesIng. Pavel Antoš, Ph.D.20102012
Mathematical modelling of nucleation and condensation processesIng. Tomáš Němec, Ph.D.20102012
Dynamic of secondary flows in channelsdoc. Ing. Václav Uruba, CSc.20102014
Collapse and fission mechanisms of ultrasonically excited cavitation bubbles near a solid boundary in Newtonian liquidIng. Patrik Zima, Ph.D.20102012
Cobalt-based ferromagnetic shape memory alloysIng. Michal Landa, CSc.20102012
Development and characterization of active hybrid textiles with integrated nanograin NiTi micro wiresIng. Petr Sedlák, Ph.D.20102012
New approaches to investigation of fatigue crack propagation in modes II, III and II + IIIIng. Anna Machová, CSc.20102013
Solution of Large Hydro-thermo-mechanical problems using adaptive hp-FEMRNDr. Pavel Šolín, Ph.D.20102012
Numerical and experimentalresearch on the flow in axial turbine cascadesIng. Martin Luxa, Ph.D.20102013
Ing. Jiří Plešek, CSc.20102012
Ing. Dušan Gabriel, Ph.D.20102012
Damage Monitoring of Building Structure components by Nonlinear Ultrasonic SpectroscopyIng. Zdeněk Převorovský, CSc.20102012
Study of dispersion properties of finite element method in elastic wave propagation problemsIng. Radek Kolman, Ph.D.20102012
Problems of Thermoelasticity and Pseudoplasticity in Electromagnetismprof. Ing. Ivo Doležel, CSc.20092011
Effect of DC-Link Voltage Variations in Voltage Source Inverter on Electric Drive OperationIng. Miroslav Chomát, CSc.20092011
Numerical simulation of ultrasonic time reversal mirror and its experimental verificationIng. Josef Krofta, Ph.D.20092011
Thermodynamic properties of the next-generation refrigerantsprom. fyz. Jaroslav Pátek, CSc.20092013
Ing. Luděk Pešek, CSc.20092013
Numerical solution to steady-state and transient wave dispersion in mechanical systems on different scalesIng. Jiří Plešek, CSc.20092013
Experimental and numerical modelling of turbulent flow with massive separationprof. Ing. Jaromír Příhoda, CSc.20092012
Development of the macroscopic thermomechanical model for shape memory alloysIng. Petr Sedlák, Ph.D.20092010

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