Michael L. Smith:The Political, Economic and Ideological Sources of Environmental Attitudes in Central and Eastern Europe: A Look at the 2009 European Values Study

Vloženo dne:
19. 1. 2012 ve 14 hodin, v zasedací místnosti 207, Jilská 1, Praha 1

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Michael L. Smith:
The Political, Economic and Ideological Sources of Environmental Attitudes in Central and Eastern Europe: A Look at the 2009 European Values Study


This seminar focuses on the cross-national comparison of the determinants of societal attitutes about the natural environment across Central and Eastern Europe on the basis of the European Values Study. The presented analysis takes advantage of the fact that 23 post-communist countries took part in the 2009 wave of the survey, which enables, among available international surveys, the broadest possible comparison of the determinants of environmental concerns across those countries. For the countries possible, cross-time comparisons are also conducted. The analysis additionally emphasizes another feature of the dataset, which is the extensive range of questions on the ideological and political orientations of respondents, and the impact of those variables on environmental concerns. Methodologically, the main part of the analysis conducts logistic regression of single-item variables relating to a range of different environmental concerns. In contrast to the standard practice of constructing a latent variable on environmental concerns, the advantage of the chosen approach is that we can indirectly compare the how different measures of environmental concern are shaped by different factors, and do so across time and space.

19.1. 2012 ve 14 hodin, v zasedací místnosti 207, Jilská 1, Praha 1

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