David Hartman
works as post-doc at the Institute of Computer Science where the main area of interest is research dealing with spontaneous brain activity measured with fMRI or other methods from a perspective of graph theoretical measures (i.e. using complex network approach).
contact info
Department of Nonlinear Modeling
Institute of Computer Science
Czech Academy of Sciences
Pod Vodarenskou vezi 2
Praha 8, 182 07, Czech Republic
Tel: (+420) 26605 3808
E-mail: hartman [at-remove-spam] cs.cas.cz
research interests
- time series analysis,
- graph theory,
- algorithms,
- computational neuroscience,
- theoretical informatics.
Large scale interactions in brain networks and their breakdown in brain diseases - ITI
Institute for Theoretical Computer Science (Charles University) - GAČR
Interactions, information transfer and complex structures in the dynamics of changing climate
2003 – 2008 PhD student in Modelling of Complex Traffic System at University of West Bohemia, Pilsen
2008 Graduated with honors for Ing. (MSc equivalent) in Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology Prague
2003 Graduated with honors for Ing. (MSc equivalent) in Computer Science Faculty of Applied Science, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen
other work
- 2006-2008 Lecturer in Discrete Math at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague
2008-2010 Lecturer in programming and algorithms, Unicorn College