Microscopy Unit
Head: Jan Malínský, PhD
E-mail: malinsky
biomed [dot] cas [dot] cz
Phone: +420 241 062 597
Michaela Blažíková, MSc | PhD Student
Vendula Strádalová, MSc | PhD Student
Tomáš Červinka, Bc | Technician
Lenka Hlavínová | Technician
Petra Veselá, Bc | Technician
Jitka Eisensteinová | Secretary
Research topics
We study the assembly and maintenance of cellular structures not bound by a membrane. These highly dynamic, steady state organelles engaged in specific functions communicate with their surroundings directly by diffusion, and the mechanisms controlling their structure and function are still poorly understood. Many of these compartments, such as the nucleolus or Cajal body in the cell nucleus, are easily seen under a microscope and have been known for a long time. Others have been described only recently – for instance lipid raft-based compartments in membranes. Morphological changes or the disintegration of these cellular structures often accompany pathologic phenotypes. Knowledge about the composition, formation and maintenance of these structures is limited. Thus, a great deal is open for studies using contemporary microscopy techniques, capable not only of exactly localizing cellular components, but also of detecting their movement and potential interactions at the molecular level as well.
Zeiss LSM 5 DUO confocal microscope.
We are well equipped for a variety of fluorescence and electron microscopy approaches. Besides our own research, methodological support for other groups is provided by the Unit staff.