Center for Economic Research & Graduate Education - Economics Institute

Česká médiaPress Room

Most of CERGE-EI's media presence is currently in the Czech language; CERGE-EI also appears in the local English-language media and in the international media. Additionally, our students, researchers and faculty occasionally feature in the media of one of the two dozen countries of their origin. 

To solicit comments from our experts, inquire about CERGE-EI, or use our beautiful 19th century building for filming purposes, please contact the PR manager.

Featured News and Releases

CERGE-EI Insights

The first paper in our new CERGE-EI Insights series has been published under the title "When a Monetary Union Falls Apart: The experience of the former Yugoslavia in 1990-92" Read the summary and download the paper here.

  • 23 Jan 2012

    Prof. Jan Svejnar, CERGE-EI's co-founder, Chairman of its Executive and Supervisory Committee, and founder of IDEA think-tank, has been appointed as Director of the Center for Global Economic Governance at Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA). The newly launched Center will convene academic economists, social scientists, government and business leaders, and other practitioners to analyze and improve global economic policy decisions and the institutions that make them.

  • 19 Jan 2012

    Long-Term CERGE-EI Board Member Orley Ashenfelter Gives American Economic Association Presidential Address on January 7, 2012 at AEA Meetings in Chicago

  • 28 Nov 2011

    CERGE-EI is proud to announce that Filip Matějka, an Assistant Professor at CERGE-EI, was awarded a share of first prize in the 2011 Prof. František Vencovský Prize along with a pair of researchers from the Czech National Bank.