Center for Economic Research & Graduate Education - Economics Institute

MAE Online Application

  1. Thank you for applying to the CERGE-EI MAE Program!

    Currently the application system does not allow applicants to save data and return to the application. This will be available in January 2012. If you want to apply before then, enter all the data at once and submit. You can download a pdf of the complete form to plan out your responses. You will get a response within two weeks of having a complete application!

    Make sure you read the instructions before you apply so that the process goes smoothly. It is best if you prepare all your materials before filling out the online application form. 

    Check back soon – you’ll be able to use your email and password to login and see your application status!

  2. Account Information

    (Required fields marked with *)

  3. First Name*
    Invalid Input
  4. Surname*
    Invalid Input
  5. Email*
    Invalid Input
  6. Confirm Email*
    Invalid Input
  7. Password*
    Invalid Input
    Please make your password a mix of characters and numbers.
  8. Confirm Password*
    Invalid Input
  9. How did you hear about the CERGE-EI MAE program?*
    Please select how you found out about the CERGE-EI MAE program.
  • Account
  • Personal
  • Educational
  • Courses
  • References
  • Employment
  • Exams
  • Other
  1. Personal Details

    (Required fields marked with *)

  2. Place of Birth*
    Invalid Input
    EXACTLY as it appears on your passport, otherwise provide the city
  3. Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)*
    Invalid Input
  4. Citizenship*
    Invalid Input
  5. Gender*
    Invalid Input
  6. Contact Information

  7. Street Address*
    Invalid Input
  8. City*
    Invalid Input
    (and State if needed)
  9. Postal Code*
    Invalid Input
  10. Country*
    Invalid Input
  11. Phone Number*
    Invalid Input
    (Include country code)
  12. Skype Address
    Invalid Input
  13. Mobile or Office Number
    Invalid Input
    (Include country code)
  14. Secondary Contact Information

  15. Street Address
    Invalid Input
  16. City
    Invalid Input
    (and State if needed)
  17. Postal Code
    Invalid Input
  18. Country
    Invalid Input
  19. Secondary Email
    Invalid Input
  20. Confirm Secondary Email
    Invalid Input
  • Account
  • Personal
  • Educational
  • Courses
  • References
  • Employment
  • Exams
  • Other
  1. Educational Data

    (Required fields marked with *)

  2. Most Recent School / Institution*
    Invalid Input
  3. Country*
    Invalid Input
  4. Field of Study*
    Invalid Input
  5. Degree Earned*
    Invalid Input
  6. Years of Study*

  7. From
    Invalid Input
  8. To
    Invalid Input
  9. Please list other post-secondary education, listing most recent first

  10. Additional School/Institution
    Invalid Input
  11. Country
    Invalid Input
  12. Field of Study
    Invalid Input
  13. Degree Earned
    Invalid Input
  14. Years of Study

  15. From
    Invalid Input
  16. To
    Invalid Input
  1. + Add another institution

  • Account
  • Personal
  • Educational
  • Courses
  • References
  • Employment
  • Exams
  • Other
  1. Relevant Coursework

    Please provide information about the four most advanced university-level courses you have taken in Mathematics or Statistics.

  2. Course 1
    Invalid Input
  3. Institution
    Invalid Input
  4. Grade
    Invalid Input
  5. Year Course Taken
    Invalid Input
  6. Textbook Used
    Invalid Input
  7. Course 2
    Invalid Input
  8. Institution
    Invalid Input
  9. Grade
    Invalid Input
  10. Year Course Taken
    Invalid Input
  11. Textbook Used
    Invalid Input
  12. Course 3
    Invalid Input
  13. Institution
    Invalid Input
  14. Grade
    Invalid Input
  15. Year Course Taken
    Invalid Input
  16. Textbook Used
    Invalid Input
  17. Course 4
    Invalid Input
  18. Institution
    Invalid Input
  19. Grade
    Invalid Input
  20. Year Course Taken
    Invalid Input
  21. Textbook Used
    Invalid Input
  22. Have you taken university level courses where the instruction was entirely in English?
    Invalid Input
  • Account
  • Personal
  • Educational
  • Courses
  • References
  • Employment
  • Exams
  • Other
  1. References Data

    (Required fields marked with *)

    Provide contact information for the two people you have chosen to assess your qualifications for the MAE Program.

    CERGE-EI will contact your recommenders with the email address you provide. Please ensure that you have already agreed with the person to provide a reference and that the reference is prepared to respond to our request.

  2. Reference 1
  3. Title*
    Invalid Input
  4. First Name*
    Invalid Input
  5. Surname*
    Invalid Input
  6. Email*
    Invalid Input
  7. Confirm Email*
    Invalid Input
  8. University/Organization*
    Invalid Input
  9. Position*
    Invalid Input
  10. Telephone
    Invalid Input
    (include country code)
  11. Reference 2
  12. Title*
    Invalid Input
  13. First Name*
    Invalid Input
  14. Surname*
    Invalid Input
  15. Email*
    Invalid Input
  16. Confirm Email*
    Invalid Input
  17. University/Organization*
    Invalid Input
  18. Position*
    Invalid Input
  19. Telephone
    Invalid Input
    (include country code)
  • Account
  • Personal
  • Educational
  • Courses
  • References
  • Employment
  • Exams
  • Other
  1. Employment Data

    (Required fields marked with *)

  2. Most Recent Employer*
    Invalid Input
  3. Position/Job Title*
    Invalid Input
  4. Location*
    Invalid Input
  5. Years of Employment*

  6. From
    Invalid Input
  7. To
    Invalid Input
  8. Please list other employment, listing most recent first

  9. Next Most Recent Employer
    Invalid Input
  10. Position/Job Title
    Invalid Input
  11. Location
    Invalid Input
  12. Years of Employment

  13. From
    Invalid Input
  14. To
    Invalid Input
  1. + Add another employer

  • Account
  • Personal
  • Educational
  • Courses
  • References
  • Employment
  • Exams
  • Other
  1. Standardized Exams

    Standardized tests are not required to apply for the MAE program. If you have taken them, your score may exempt you from preparatory study or certain admission requirements. Please report the results for any standardized tests you have taken below. Follow the instructions given for each test on how to report your results.

  2. TOEFL

    The TOEFL Code Number for the CERGE-EI MAE program is 7351.

  3. Exam Date
    Invalid Input
  4. Type
    Invalid Input
  5. Total Score
    Invalid Input
  6. Reading
    Invalid Input
  7. Listening
    Invalid Input
  8. Speaking
    Invalid Input
  9. Writing
    Invalid Input
  10. IELTS

    We will confirm your score with the secure IELTS database.

  11. Exam Date
    Invalid Input
  12. Overall Score
    Invalid Input
  13. Reading
    Invalid Input
  14. Listening
    Invalid Input
  15. Speaking
    Invalid Input
  16. Writing
    Invalid Input
  17. Other English Language Exams

    If the exam provider sends results to schools, please send results to CERGE-EI. Use the contact information on the last page of this application form. If the provider does not send scores, we will confirm your score with the provider.

  18. Exam Title
    Invalid Input
  19. Exam Date
    Invalid Input
  20. Score
    Invalid Input
  1. + Add another exam

  2. GRE

    Please mail an official score report to CERGE-EI using the contact information on the last page of this application form. Also upload a scan of the official score report on the last page of this application form.

  3. Exam Date
    Invalid Input
  4. Type
    Invalid Input
  5. Scores

  6. Verbal
    Invalid Input
  7. Quantitative
    Invalid Input
  8. Analytical
    Invalid Input
  9. GMAT

    Please mail an official score report to CERGE-EI using the contact information on the last page of this application form. Also upload a scan of the official score report on the last page of this application form.

  10. Exam Date
    Invalid Input
  11. Total Score
    Invalid Input
  12. Other Scores

  13. Verbal
    Invalid Input
  14. Quantitative
    Invalid Input
  15. Analytical Writing Assessment
    Invalid Input
  16. Other Standardized Exams

    If the exam provider sends results to schools, please send results to CERGE-EI. Use the contact information on the last page of this application form. If the provider does not send scores, we will confirm your score with the provider.

  17. Exam Title
    Invalid Input
  18. Exam Date
    Invalid Input
  19. Total Score
    Invalid Input
  20. Subfield Scores (if any)
    Invalid Input
    separate scores with commas
  1. + Add another exam

  • Account
  • Personal
  • Educational
  • Courses
  • References
  • Employment
  • Exams
  • Other
  1. Other Materials

    (Required fields marked with *)

    In addition to this online application, you are required to send other materials, both by postal mail and by uploading electronic files.

    Mail the following materials to the address at the bottom of this form:

    • Photocopies of all university diplomas and transcripts.
    • Original copies of government-approved and -certified English translations of all diplomas and transcripts not in English.
  2. Upload the following scanned materials in jpg or pdf format:

    • Translated diploma and transcript.
    • Original diplomas and transcripts.
    • Standardized Exam Score report.
    • Scan of main page in passport.
  3. Translated diploma/transcripts
    Invalid Input
    Please browse for jpg or pdf files that correspond to these titles. When you submit your application, the browsed files will also be uploaded.
  4. Original diploma/transcripts*
    Invalid Input
    Please browse for jpg or pdf files that correspond to these titles. When you submit your application, the browsed files will also be uploaded.
  5. Exam Scores
    Invalid Input
    Please browse for jpg or pdf files that correspond to these titles. When you submit your application, the browsed files will also be uploaded.
  6. Passport Page*
    Invalid Input
    Please browse for jpg or pdf files that correspond to these titles. When you submit your application, the browsed files will also be uploaded.
  1. + Add an extra upload


    Before you submit your application, please check the information you have typed in! A typing error can cause your application to be delayed or to not be considered for admission.


    Telephone:(+420) 224 005 242
    Fax:(+420) 224 005 333

    Mailing Address:
    CERGE-EI MAE Program
    Politických vězňů 7
    111 21 Praha 1
    Czech Republic

  3. Please enter displayed code
    Please enter displayed code   RefreshInvalid Input
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