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More about BIOCEV project

The objective of the J. E. Purkyně Fellowship is to attract outstanding creative scientists from abroad to work in research institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, both scientists of Czech descent working abroad for an extended period of time and top-ranking scientists from abroad, who generally are younger than 40 years of age, and to ensure adequate salary package for them at Academy institutes. The Fellowship is granted for a maximum of five years.

It is anticipated that these scientists will become inspiring leaders in newly formed or already existing working research teams at Academy institutes where they will work. The Fellowship was named after J. E. Purkyně to remind the fact that this outstanding 19th century physiologist of Czech origin worked abroad till he was 62 because he had not been given adequate employment in his home country.

Applications for the J. E. Purkyně Fellowship are regularly submitted by directors of Academy institutes after consultation with and on the basis of a recommendation of the Scientific Council of the respective institute and sent to the secretariat of the President of the ASCR. Applications are considered only during the first and the third quarters of the calendar year by the Expert Commission of the ASCR´s Academy Council and the ASCR´s Council for Sciences headed by the Academy President. The J. E. Purkyně Fellowship recipient shall be designated for the highest salary class.


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