Šafr, J., Bayer, I. 2007. Vliv strukturálních vs. osobnostních faktorů na ideologie distributivní spravedlnosti v ČR 2006. [The effects of structural vs. personality factors on ideologies of distributive justice in the Czech Republic in 2006]. Naše společnost 5(2): 38-46.



The article compares the level of dependence of four justice ideologies on the structural position of an individual and his/her personal traits. First, the theoretical concept of distributive justice is introduced within the framework of Grid-Group Theory. Second, Czech public opinion of justice is analysed with data from the ISJP 2006 survey. Egalitarianism is the most structurally embedded ideology that is influenced by all socio-demographic attributes. Nevertheless, psychological factors affect the other ideologies to some extent. Ascriptivism is more characteristic of extroversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousness; individualism of openness to experience; fatalism of closeness to experience. Against structural effects, the psychological dimension does not yield considerable improvement in the explanation of justice ideologies.


Keywords: distributive justice, cultural theory Grid-Group, personality traits (Big-Five) 

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