Department of the Molecular Biology of Cancer
Head: Pavel Vodička, MD, PhD
E-mail: pvodicka
biomed [dot] cas [dot] cz

Phone: +420 241 062 694
Laboratory of the Genetics of Cancer
Pavel Vodička, MD, PhD | Head of laboratory
E-mail: pvodicka
biomed [dot] cas [dot] cz

Phone: +420 241 062 694
Pavel Vodička, MD, PhD | Research Scientist
Barbara Pardini, PhD | Research Scientist
Veronika Poláková, MSc | PhD Student
Laboratory of DNA Repair
Alessio Naccarati, PhD | Head of laboratory
E-mail: naccarati
biomed [dot] cas [dot] cz

Phone: +420 241 062 694
Alessio Naccarati, PhD | Research Scientist
Ľudmila Vodičková, PhD | Research Scientist
Jana Slyšková, MSc | PhD Student
Monika Hánová, MSc | PhD Student
Research topics
The department is interested in investigating the molecular events involved in the susceptibility to sporadic forms of cancer. Our particular interest is focused on sporadic colorectal cancer, which poses a serious health problem in the Czech Republic. As part of the identification of common genetic variants that predispose an individual to this cancer, candidate genes within various relevant pathways in colorectal carcinogenesis have been addressed (e. g. DNA repair, cell cycle, biotransformation). The Department has participated in whole genome association studies (GWAS), aimed at the identification of susceptibility loci in sporadic colorectal cancer, and will be involved in detailed investigations of the functional consequences of these loci.