Laboratory of Cell Biology
Head: Karel Koberna, PhD
E-mail: koberna
biomed [dot] cas [dot] cz

Phone: +420 241 062 697
Anna Ligasová, PhD | Research Scientist
Dagmar Folková, MSc | PhD Student
Dmytro Strunin, MSc | PhD Student
Markéta Hemerová, MSc | Research Assistant
Research topics
Research in the Laboratory of Cell Biology focuses on DNA replication and the organization of human chromatin. DNA replication of the two template strands at DNA replication forks is a highly coordinated process comprising the functioning of many factors that ensures accurate and efficient duplication of the eukaryotic genome. According to the general paradigm, proper DNA duplication from each replication origin is ensured by two protein complexes termed replisomes. In this respect, our comparative analysis of short segments of replicons labeled in pulse-chase experiments of various lengths showed that replisomes in HeLa cells are organized into couples during DNA replication.
Moreover, our data suggested a new model of the organization of replicated DNA. According to this model, replisome couples produce a loop with the associated arms in the form of four tightly associated 30 nm fibers.
The Laboratory’s research is also focused on changes in chromatin arrangement during the cell cycle, the timing of DNA replication, epigenetically inherited chromatin remodeling, and the large scale organization of chromosomal territories.
Concurrently, the Laboratory participates in a project focused on the development of new techniques for the delivery of bioactive molecules into human cells. Two basic research lines are followed in this respect: the development of methods based on the use of viral kinases for the efficient phosphorylation of chosen nucleosides and the development of methods based on the modification of nucleotide precursors.
Techniques that are employed include cell and bacterial cultivation, affinity cytochemistry involving immunocytochemical and in situ hybridization techniques, light and confocal microscopy, electron microscopy including electron tomography, stereology approaches, protein, RNA and DNA purification and analysis, immunoprecipitation and GFP technology.