The main aim of Project Open Science is to contribute to the
development of the knowledge economy and of competitiveness of the
Czech Republic.
Partner Institutes organize courses and seminars for high school
teachers, designed to enlarge their qualification and, simultaneously,
to increase the quality of high school teaching in general.
The Institute of Photonics and Electronics, its achievements
and current work are regularly covered by the mainstream public media
available in the Czech Republic.
2011, 22nd October |
ČR Leonardo |
Víkendová univerzita - Science Café - Fyzika na stopě bakterií
Record of the broadcasting -
1st part,
2nd part
(in Czech only).
2011, 2nd September |
Czech television |
ČT24, Rubrika: Století žen. Téma: Vědkyně Hana Vaisocherová pracuje na čipu, který odhalí nebezpečné látky v potravinách.
záznam pořadu
(in Czech only)
2011, 30th June |
Czech television |
ČT24: Zprávy - Udílení cen Praemium Academiae, v čase cca 6:56 -
záznam pořadu
(in Czech only)
2010, 6th October |
Czech television |
O vědě a vědcích:
Zkrocené světlo
(in Czech only)
2010, 30th August |
Český rozhlas, Leonardo |
Nula-jednička, magazín o lidech, technice a technologiích -
Aplikace biosenzorů
(in Czech only)
2010, 26th April |
Radio, Český rozhlas Leonardo |
Nula-jednička, magazín o lidech, technice a technologiích -
(in Czech only)
2010, 6th January |
Radio, Český rozhlas Leonardo |
Profile interview 'Vstupte!' devoted to
Optical biosensors,
(in Czech only)
2009, 21st November |
Czech television |
Slavnostní Galavečer 8. ročníku soutěže Česká hlava 2009 - INVENCE, cena Kapsch a.s. v čase cca 48:30 -
record of the broadcasting
(in Czech only)
2008, 26th April |
Czech television |
Academy of Sciences CR and Czech Technical University in Prague will request money from European funds
for setting up a new Institute of applied sciences -
record of the broadcasting
(in Czech only)
2007, 28th November |
Czech television |
Týden vědy a techniky: záznam Dnů otevřených dveří v Ústavu fotoniky a elektroniky AV ČR
(in Czech only)
2005, 20th June |
Czech television, 1st channel |
České hlavy: Zesílení světelné vlny (in Czech only) |
2005, 2nd May |
Czech television, 1st channel |
České hlavy: Senzory proti bioterorismu (in Czech only) |