CONFERENCE: SCIENCE POLICIES MEET REALITY: Gender, Women and Youth in Science in Central and Eastern Europe

Conference: 1-2 December 2006 Venue: Masarykova kolej, Thákurova 1, Prague 6, Czech Republic

As the Central European Centre for Women and Youth in Science, the first regional support project for women and youth in science funded by the EC, is drawing to its close, this conference will provide an opportunity to assess the impact of the project and present findings and results. This will be done against the backdrop of recognising the growing significance of the gap between the goals of science policies and programmes and their actual implementation.

This conference will discuss for the first time in East-Central Europe current obstacles to successful science policy implementation and discrepancies between the status quo and stated goals concerning gender equality and the position of early stage researchers. This will be done through discussing/disseminating existing research and policy implementation practices.

The conference will bring together researchers from all fields of science, activists and policymakers. We are specifically interested in relevant research and policy implementation experience of scientists and policymakers across Europe who may aid policy formulation and implementation and recognition of scientific excellence.


For more info:


There is no conference registration fee, and some funds are available to assist those who wish to present or participate in the conference but do not have the available resources, particularly those from Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkan region. However, since our funds are very limited, priority will be given to those who submit a paper for presentation at the conference. Only then will we be able to assist other interested parties. Early registration is encouraged for those who would like financial assistance, as the majority of funds will be allocated by the end of July.

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