Astronomický ústav AV ČR   Ondřejov

Fričova 298
251 65 Ondřejov
Czech Republic

Tel. +420 323649201
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Academy of Sciences
of the Czech Republic


Early Science

ALMA Cycle 0 Call for Proposal

The ALMA Director, on behalf of the partner organizations and all the personnel in Chile, East Asia, Europe and North America involved in bringing ALMA to Early Science readiness, is pleased to issue the first ever Call for Proposals with ALMA. We invite members of the astronomy community to propose for scientific observations to be scheduled within the ALMA Early Science Cycle 0 period which we expect to start on 30 September 2011 or shortly thereafter. This provides an important opportunity for first science from this cutting edge facility.

ALMA Early Science Cycle 0 will span 9 months. It is anticipated that 500 – 700 hours of array time will be available for Cycle 0 projects. Any astronomer may submit a proposal for ALMA Early Science Cycle 0.

All the details are available at the newly-opened ALMA Science Portal at