History of the Second World War, occupation and resistance section

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This section focuses on Czechoslovak history between 1938 and 1945. In a broader context, it examines selected themes concerning the history of the Protectorate of Böhmen und Mähren, the home resistance movements, exile foreign policy and the history of the Czechoslovak army units. Where appropriate, it also looks at the general history of the Second World War.

The results of the research are presented in the form of material and of monographic studies. A significant part of the activity of the section is the preparation of editions of documents pertaining to the occupation, or the Protectorate, together with those relating to the Czechoslovak exile. Some of this research is funded by grants and the work itself is carried out in cooperation with other centres concentrating on history.

Employees of this section, besides giving lectures at universities, are involved in organizing conferences and seminars. They also devote their attention to the dissemination of new academic knowledge by cooperating with the media, educational institutions and various interest associations for which they provide consultations and thematic lectures.

Stanislav Kokoška


Demokratická revoluce 1989 Československo 1968.cz Němečtí odpůrci nacismu v Československu výzkumný projekt KSČ a bolševismus

Current events in picture

Director of the Institute for Contemporary History Oldřich Tůma starts the proceedings on 20 November. The picture further shows the participants of the first panel called “The Struggle for East-Central Europe as a Primary Cause of the Cold War?” From left to right: Michael Hopkins, Benjamin Frommer (Chair), Vít Smetana, László Borhi and Rolf Steininger.
Prime Minister Jan Fischer awarding Prof. Mark Kramer with the Karel Kramář Memorial Medal.
The Prime Minister is congratulating Thomas Blanton, the director of the National Security Archive. Further from left to right are: Prof. Alex Pravda (Oxford University), Prof. Mark Kramer (Harvard University), Prof. Vilém Prečan (Czechoslovak Documentary Centre), Prof. William Taubman (Amherst College) and Michael Dockrill – husband of Prof. Saki Dockrill who was awarded in memoriam.

International conference (19-21 November 2009) about the role played by East-Central Europe in the Cold War.
