• Čeština (Česká republika)
  • English (United Kingdom)
2nd International Conference on Psychiatric Museums etc. in Prague (Conference Announcement)
Středa, 13 Květen 2009 11:26

It is a pleasure to invite you to the 2nd International Conference on Psychiatric Museums and History of Psychiatry October 29-31st, 2009, Prague, the Czech Republic

Conference Topics:

We are naturally delighted to have chance to take up with the interesting and resultful conference on the psychiatric museums "Locating the soul" having been held in Christophsbad, Goppingen on the 9th - 10th November 2007. It is our pleasure to organize the Conference on the occasion of celebration of the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Psychiatric Hospital Bohnice in Prague. The psychiatry has rather an ample history which in many respects reflects the conditions and circumstances of the times. Nowadays it is difficult even for the specialists to really understand the situation of their predecessors. And even worse can the contemporary public understand the situation of the today mentally ill. The worst it is for decision making people who determinate the source limits and the legal rules.

Evidently not only the bizarre, curious subjects of the museum collections and their surprising usage are concerned, not only even the sorrow over the fates of the mentally ill, the point is, that we all feel the active interest to help the public to understand the human mind, its pathology and possibilities to cure the mentally ill. Let us focus our attention not only to the last times but also to the present and future. It seems logical to extend the conference themes with the ways and forms how to inform the public. Along with the interest on the archive treasures there is necessary also to elaborate on the interest in the functioning of the psyche in normal and pathological situation, to extend the interest in various forms of the mental disorders and the process of intermediation such information including the measurement of the success or non-succes of such an endendeavour.

All the participants will have opportunity to learn on archiving and restoring documents and objects to learn on the form of their effectual and aesthetical way of presentation, on how to take effect on people by means of the lectures and the printed and electronic media. The organizers believe that the participants of the 2nd Conference on "Psychiatric Museums and Enlightenment" to be held in Prague will receive plenty of impression and knowledge.

The 1st announcement you will find at the address:

For detailed information please check the following website:
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