Institute of Geology AS CR, v. v. i.
Medium-sized research center which main purpose is to gain, interpret and integrate the knowledge of the Earth System.

RNDr. Tomáš Navrátil, PhD.

My research has been focused before all on various environmental gechemical problems. My research begun with geochemistry of waters with respect to toxic metals such as Be, Al and Pb. Further envrionmetal theme I came ecross has been the acidification, its effects on environment and connected problems. Recent topics of my research are dynamics of mercury (Hg) in the environment, geochemical research of the dust materials and redox processes in forest soils.
Motto of the geochemical research: "Describe universe on two pages and make at least two examples" by my favorite geochemist Steve Norton
List of papers WOS + citation reports:
Selected publications:
NAVRÁTIL T., NORTON S., FERNANDEZ I., NELSON S. (2010) Twenty-year inter-annual trends and seasonal variations in precipitation and stream water chemistry at the Bear Brook Watershed in Maine, USA. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 171, (1-4), 23-45. (ISSN 0167-6369) DOI 10.1007/s10661-010-1527-z
NAVRÁTIL T., ROHOVEC J., AMIRBAHMAN A., NORTON S., FERNANDEZ I. (2009) Amorphous Aluminum Hydroxide Control on Sulfate and Phosphate in Sediment-Solution Systems. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 201, (1-4), 87-98. (ISSN 0049-6979) DOI 10.1007/s11270-008-9929-z
NAVRÁTIL T., HOJDOVÁ M., ROHOVEC J., PENÍŽEK, V., VAŘILOVÁ, Z. (2009) Effect of Fire on Pools of Mercury in Forest Soil, Central Europe. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 83, (2), p. 269-274. (ISSN 0007-4861) DOI10.1007/s00128-009-9705-9
NAVRÁTIL T., ROHOVEC J., ŽÁK K. (2008) Floodplain sediments of the 2002 catastrophic flood at the Vltava (Moldau) River and its tributaries: mineralogy, chemical composition, and post-sedimentary evolution. Environmental Geology 56, (2), 399-412. (ISSN 0943-0105) DOI 10.1007/s00254-007-1178-8
NAVRÁTIL T., SHANLEY J.B., SKŘIVAN P., KRÁM P., MIHALJEVIČ M., DRAHOTA P. (2007) Manganese Biogeochemistry in a Central Czech Republic Catchment. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution186, (1-4), p. 149-165. (ISSN 0049-6979) DOI 10.1007/s11270-007-9474-1
NAVRÁTIL T., KURZ D., KRÁM P., HOFMEISTER J., HRUŠKA J. (2007) Acidification and recovery of soil at a heavily impacted forest catchment (Lysina, Czech Republic)-SAFE modeling and field results. Ecological Modelling 205 (3-4), p. 464-474. (ISSN 0304-3800) DOI 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2007.03.008
NAVRÁTIL T., VACH M., SKŘIVAN P., MIHALJEVIČ M., DOBEŠOVÁ I. (2004) Deposition and fate of lead in a forested landscape Lesni potok, central Czech Republic, Water Air Soil Pollution: Focus 4, 619 - 630. (ISSN 1567-7230)
NAVRÁTIL T., VACH M., NORTON S.A., SKŘIVAN P., HRUŠKA J., MAGGINI L. (2003) Chemical response of a small stream in a forested catchment (central Czech Republic) to a short-term in-stream acidification, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 7 (3), 411 - 423. (ISSN 1027-5606)
NAVRÁTIL T., SKŘIVAN P., MINAŘÍK L., ŽIGOVÁ A. (2002) Beryllium Geochemistry in the Lesni Potok Catchment (Czech Republic), 7 Years of Systematic Study, Aquatic Geochemistry 8 (2), 121-133. (ISSN 1380-6165)
- The fate of legacy mercury in forest ecosystems in the area of the Black Triangle, Czech Republic : 2011 - 2014, GACR, P210/11/1369