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Cover Akademic bulletin  06/1999

Academic bulletin 06/1999


Interview with Karel Jungwirth, D.Sc., Vice-President of ASCR

Karel Jungwirth has been designated as a contact person in the Czech Republic for the issues concerning the EU project called "Centers of Excellence". He describes the program of these centers, their purpose, the way they should be organized and the conditions for those who wish to apply for joining this project.

Science - Research - Society

The column introduces readers to the Grant Agency of CR, its activities and its system of competition. The chances to obtain grants from this agency are outlined.

Cell therapy - within the last few years, major progress has been achieved enabling the programming of the genomes of somatic and embryonic cells. This new knowledge, acquired by means of the method of nucleus transportation, opens ways to unexpected chances for the method to be successfully used in medicine.

Introducing the Institutes: Institute of Entomology, ASCR

The institute was founded in 1962, and since the beginning its main goal has been the effective "war" against harmful insects by the most recent methods. The positive results obtained using such technologies helped researchers to carry on deeper theoretical studies and to solve more general problems.

Topical Supplement:

"The Letters from India - Comments on Science and the Media". The supplement of this issue relates some witty observations made by Jiří Grygar during the workshop on the popularization of science held in India on March 2nd - 3rd, 1999.