Archive of the program
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Umberto Mosco (
University of Worcester, USA):
Reinforcement of elastic membranes with fractal strings. [Abstract].
P. Takac (
University of Rostock, Germany):
Nonlinear Spectral Problems with the p-Laplacian.
Herbert Amann (
University of Zurich, Switzerland):
Maximal regularity for parabolic systems in weak settings I.
Herbert Amann (
University of Zurich, Switzerland):
Maximal regularity for parabolic systems in weak settings II.
Alexander G. Ramm (
Kansas State University, USA):
Dynamical systems method (DSM) for solving operator equations. [slides].
Mircea Sofonea (
University of Perpignan, France):
Recent advances in contact mechanics: modelling and mathematical analysis. [Abstract].
Herbert Amann (
University of Zurich, Switzerland):
Maximal regularity for parabolic systems in weak settings IV.
Irina Denisova (
Institute of Problems of Mechanical Enginnering, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia):
Local solvability of the problem governing the motion of two incompressible fluids without surface tension.
Jan Stebel (
MFF UK, Praha):
Shape optimization governed by generalized Navier-Stokes equations. [slides].
Herbert Amann (
University of Zurich, Switzerland):
Maximal regularity for parabolic systems in weak settings VI.
Workshop on Fluid Structure Interaction Problems (30.10. - 2.11. 2007). Organizatori: Eduard Feireisl, Sarka Necasova, Jiri Neustupa. [Program]
9:00 - 10:00
Natalia Zorii (
National Academy of Sciences, Ukraine):
Extremal problems for potentials with external fields. Applications to the theory of capacities and condensers. [Abstract].
10:15 - 11:15
Sona Chmelova (
MFF UK, Praha):
Optimal control for holomorphic semigroups.
Lars Diening (
University of Freiburg, Germany):
Divergence equation and Korn's inequality on John domains.
We present a simple technique how to generalize results that are available for nice domains like balls to more complicated domains. We will apply this method to the divergence equation and Korn's inequality.
Charles A. Stuart (
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland):
A branch of orbitally stable standing waves for a nonlinear Schrodinger equation.
Peter Kukucka (
MU AVCR, Praha):
On the Existence of Globally Defined Weak Solutions to the Navier-Stokes Equations in Non-Lipshcitz Domains.
Pavel Drabek (
KMA, ZCU v Plzni):
Apriori estimates for a class of quasi-linear elliptic equations.