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Housing and Home-care for the Elderly and Local Partnership Strategies in Central European citiesGrantový projekt podpořen Evropskou unií, European Regional Development Fund. Na řešení projektu se podílí konsorcium 12 partnerů z 8 zemí střední Evropy (kromě ČR, Rakousko, Německo, Slovinsko, Itálie, Maďarsko, Slovensko, Polsko). Projekt byl oficiálně zahájen v září 2011 a skončí v srpnu 2014. Oddělení Socioekonomie bydlení SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i. je v rámci projektu hlavním řešitelem Work Package 3 - Transnational review of innovative practices of housing and care solutions for elderly and vulnerable people in Central Europe. Basic information - Project summaryEurope is witnessing the progressive ageing of its population. The elderly, especially when disabled and/or alone, are increasingly at risk of social exclusion in urban areas due to the impoverishment of family and social links and significant infrastructure constraints. At present, the institutionalization of elderly presents some critical aspects, such as the homologation of care solutions, in spite of different needs, and the isolation from the social life of the community.Total ageing-related spending is projected to increase in the European Union by 4.75% points of GDP by 2060 (DG SANCO). This trend represents a threat to the sustainability and efficiency of healthcare systems, with consequences for the rights and the quality of life of the elderly, and for social cohesion. Moreover,insufficient consideration of criteria of accessibility for all undermines the attractiveness and competitiveness of territorial communities. The current approach used to address the challenges posed by the ageing society too often does not take into account the need for innovative responses able to integrate the number and the variety of actors,policies,resources and fields of competence involved in the matter.Regional and local actors should join to produce knowledge and common strategies based on the transnational cooperation among different stakeholders to facilitate transition from centralized solution towards alternative responses to housing and care for the elderly.The challenges identified are:
The overall objective of the Project is to promote development strategies and practices with a view to improving the quality of life of elderly population in urban areas in Central Europe. The specific objective is to develop and consolidate innovative housing and care solutions for the autonomy of elderly population,by supporting models of integrated local governance orienting policies,products and services. The idea is to foster synergies across different domains by bringing together the main actors active in housing and ageing-related fields,from both the public and the private sector at EU, national and regional level. The complexity of ageing processes, the fragmentation of actors involved, and the ineffective use of resources induce stakeholders to define and test transnational solutions based on a holistic approach. PPs cover the whole Program Area at different levels. Their profile is consistent with the subjects highlighted and the competences strictly relate with the activities to be performed (research and comparative analysis of data, implementation of pilot actions, drafting of local action plans/transnational strategies, communication and dissemination initiatives). The expected results consist in the establishment of structured local coordination mechanism of different stakeholders able to address the impact of the ageing society. Moreover, the Project will ensure improved understanding/awareness of housing and care solutions for the elderly, successful implementation of pilot actions, sustainability and transferability of core outputs. Project outline - RelevanceThe economic, social and cultural challenges posed by the socio-demographic change are to be addressed in an innovative way. Autonomous and active life, adequate social relationships, tailor-made care services, and accessible and decent daily life spaces are not granted to increasingly larger portions of population in Central European cities and regions. However, all these elements have to be taken into account while intervening in favor of the rights of the groups exposed to social exclusion, starting from the elderly. Change should be seen as an opportunity for thinking and implementing, in a participated manner, new models of socioeconomic development and more balanced settlement structures. Consistently with Priority 4, Area of Intervention 2, Concept 6, the general objective of the Project is to promote development strategies and practices with a view to improving the quality of life of elderly population in urban areas in Central Europe. Indeed, the Project promotes a Strategy of policy integration and innovative interventions articulated on three intertwined levels : 1) the individual and the environment. Planning and realization of living spaces and urban infrastructures that are accessible for and adapted to all, in particular to the elderly, through new technologies able to reduce spatial isolation; 2) the individual and society. Delivery of quality care services and decrease in social segregation of vulnerable groups through social and community networks at neighborhood level able to involve different stakeholders; 3) the individual and the public services. Enhancement of social cohesion and financial sustainability of services through new models for the organization and management of both public and private resources allocated for the care of the elderly population. Sustainable development has to be triggered through processes able to integrate actors and resources in support of the broadest definition of Health. In line with the above mentioned Strategy, the Project’s Specific Objective is to develop and consolidate innovative housing and care solutions for the autonomy of elderly population, by supporting models of integrated local governance orienting policies, products and services. The Project proposes a process-oriented innovation focusing on the effective coordination of different actors (Public Private Partnership) for the successful management and provision of key public services for the common good. In particular, local synergies are to be strengthened for the social integration and the active and healthy life of the elderly population. Consistently with the main issues emerged in relation to the ageing society, and within the framework designed by Priority 4, Area of Interventions 2, Concept 6, the Project will involve stakeholders from different backgrounds all along implementation phase in the following cross-cutting initiatives: The access to information through the development of key services and new technologies.The promotion of accessibility of daily life spaces in housing design within an urban planning adapted to the needs of social inclusion,thus impacting urban and regional development policies.The empowerment of professionals dedicated not only to the direct formal/informal elderly care but also to other disciplines related to the well-being of the elderly.The involvement of neighborhood communities in the development of citizenship active forms to reducing social/spatial segregation of the elderly and to encourage the citizens’participation at early stages of local decision-making.The support to integrated models of funding of care services towards economic and financial sustainability. As a result,patterns of interaction among local actors,knowledge,and resources will be structured to develop the most appropriate living environment and care for the elderly,while benefitting the families and society. The ageing of the population produces and/or accelerates processes of marginalization of the elderly, and the drying up of the urban areas where they are settled. An ever less sustainable economy of assistance, coupled with inadequate welfare systems, jeopardizes equal development and territorial cohesion. In line with the Program’s overall goals, the Project aims at addressing the territorial repercussions of disparities in terms of accessibility and provision of high quality care services to the elderly, beyond strictly economics considerations. Comprehensive research will be carried out (Work Package 3) to investigating the state of the art in the Program area and to point out pioneering solutions already in place. The process-oriented innovation proposed by the Project intervenes against the factors of social and spatial segregation impacting the well-being of the elderly and will generate actual spin-offs towards territorial cohesion. In particular, the logic of integration will inform all the pilot actions(WP4),towards the elaboration of new responses to the needs for housing and social inclusion of the elderly.The Project designs activities favoring the access to information and the spreading of new technologies.The latter will support the autonomy of the elderly,but also the services of general interest dealing with inclusion and quality of life.Accessibility will be assumed as a factor able to prevent institutionalization and to improve both public and private real estate,and as the paradigm for planning universally-suitable daily-life spaces(universal design/design for all).Social networks will be strengthened to respond to the need for social inclusion of the elderly,starting from the neighborhood level.Special attention will be posed to the development of human capital, which is an asset for cohesion and competitiveness. Indeed, many occupational fields are currently impacted by the rise of new needs related to demographic change and by new labor market requirements. Practitioners dedicated to the care of the elderly and other professionals who provide products and/or deliver services targeting the elderly have to be empowered to respond to changing demands. The promotion of the quality of life of the elderly, while integrating socio-economic dimensions, lays at the basis of the identity shared by the Project partners and the territorial networks they represent. To contributing to territorial cohesion, new forms of management of local development processes are foreseen through the involvement of key public and private partners. The Project suggests Public Private Partnerships (PPP) to integrating the fragmented financial resources allocated for the well-being of the elderly, and to establish innovative governance mechanisms for the sustainability of care systems. This theme is strictly related to competitiveness,which is interpreted by the Project partners as the capacity of a system to bring about opportunities starting from the needs, to assume knowledge as driver of innovation,and to involve citizens and local communities in their different forms of expression. The project includes at its heart the principal objectives formulated by the Lisbon & Gothenburg agendas as key guidelines, with the aim of promoting actions to enable the cities/regions to achieve improvement of quality of life,through the creation of sustainable communities.The project promotes economic, social and territorial cohesion, based on the principles of subsidiarity and territorial solidarity through the involvement of citizens and local actors,horizontal integration of institutional, economic and social organisations, policy integration and governance,use of the best available knowledge.The Project intends to treasure all the contributions of partners in each activity and to work out recommendations for all levels policy-makers, (WP5),paying great attention to the dissemination of the results (WP2). MethodologyThe different backgrounds of the PPs will be accurately matched with the technical competences and know-how needed for the project implementation. Hence, a flexible approach allowing for ongoing adaptations in the methodology has to be adopted towards efficacy of the project, and the achievement of the intended outputs and results. Two main features will characterize the overall approach: it will be integrated and participatory. Indeed, the Project is built upon a series of procedural models for the coordination the active cooperation of all PPs. The Project will support the adoption and implementation of innovative solutions for housing and care for the elderly in the involved regions and local communities, through a common framework strategy and in accordance with the specific demands. Knowledge and lessons learnt emerged from some of the best European practices already developed in these fields will be deepened and shared.Each PP will contribute to the definition and implementation of the activities. The LP, in coordination with the PPs, will guarantee the proper sequencing of activities by identifying key relationships among different tasks. Different but harmonized management and operative project boards (i.e. Steering Committee, Transnational Working Team) will be set up to ensure effective and efficient realization and valorisation of outputs and results. Active stakeholders’ participation will play a crucial role to provide valuable contributions mainly in the performance of 3 activities: 1) the refinement of the assessed needs and the recommendations arising from the researching activity; 2) the implementation of the pilot actions; 3) the definition of local action plans and transnational strategies thanks to stakeholders’ experience, expertise and network. Specific methodologies for the implementation of different activities will be developed and applied within the relevant WP. The research (WP3) will be implemented throught quantitative and qualitative methodologies (questionnaires; structured sheets for data collection at national level; transnational comparative analysis; mapping and evaluation of good practices; integrated reporting of findings). The researching and mapping will not consist in the mere listing of laws and practices; rather, alternatives will be evaluated through a comparative approach for a common and participated definition of needs and recommendations. The pilot actions (WP4), although already defined in their general structure, will benefit from the results and suggestions emerged in WP3. They will be implemented through the creation of multi-stakeholder local platforms, necessarily involving both public administrations and private actors. They will be structured in Local Support Groups (LSGs). LSGs will ensure involvement of the target group and experts in the design, implementation and evaluation of pilot actions.The LSGs will also bridge WPs 4-5, by participating in the elaboration of local action plans (LAPs) and transnational strategies.It is expected that the networking encouraged in this phase could represent a benchmark for fruitful cooperation also at the end of the Project itself.The drawing of strategies (WP5)will be based upon the practices and approaches emerged along the research and the pilot actions.The use of a process-oriented approach,a continuous monitoring of the Project for learning and taking 'rapid adaptive action', the active involvement of LSGs will be combined,while adopting the methodology of Action Learning. The development of LAPs will be defined through a cycle of local and transnational exchange workshops.At the end, a transnational peer review of the LAPs will be organized in order to work out suggestions for strategies of transnational value. |
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