Institute of Geology AS CR, v. v. i.
Medium-sized research center which main purpose is to gain, interpret and integrate the knowledge of the Earth System.
- Origin of moldavites - complex geochemical study , GACR , Roman Skála
- Paleomagnetic research of karst sediments: paleotectonic and geomorphological implications , GA AV , Pavel Bosák
- Paleomagnetism & geochemistry of volcanic rocks: Implications to palaeosetting and development of the Prague Basin (Late Ordovician – Early Devonian) , GACR , Petr Pruner
- Polyphase evolution of highly metamorphosed rocks in collisional orogens: case study from Bohemian Massif (Czech Republic) , AVČR , Martin Svojtka
- Recclamation and management of the anthropogenic biotopes in Czech Republic , MZP , Václav Cílek
- Reconstruction of historical change in mercury deposition recorded in tree rings and tree bark pockets , GACR , Maria Hojdová
- Relation between elastic moduli determined by seismic methods in laboratory and in the field , GA AV , Vladimír Rudajev
- Small mammals at time of the middle Pliocene faunal turnover: aspects of faunal and phenotypic rearrangements in Central Europe , GACR , Jan Wagner
- Soluble and insoluble fraction of inorganic pollutants in various types of precipitation, their quantification and input into the ecosystems , GACR , Jan Rohovec
- The concept of micro- to mesoscale sandstone morphofacies in the temperate zone , GA AV , Jiří Adamovič