Pravidelné semináře pořádáme jednou měsíčně (říjen–červen, zpravidla první pondělí v měsíci) od 13 hod v seminární místnosti pracoviště Ondřejov. (archiv seminářů)
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Semináře slunečního oddělení
Každé úterý v 12:45 (září–červen, s výjimkou úterků po celoústavním semináři) v zasedací místnosti slunečního oddělení pracoviště Ondřejov.
06/03/2012, 13:00Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius UniversityCan bubbles in quiescent prominences be purely magnetic phenomena?Abstract: We present a model of the magnetic field constituting quiescent prominences. The model assumes a linear force-free field with a weakly twisted flux-tube in an OX/OF topology perturbed by presence of parasitic polarities within the filament channel. The parasitic polarities locally create the cusp-shaped prominences that do not reach the photosphere everywhere, but exhibit the presence of bubbles exactly as observed by the SDO/AIA and Bialkow Observatory. We find that the observations are best reproduced if the parasitic bipoles are sheared with respect to the main inversion line. We show that the bubbles are in fact constituted by the arcade-like field lines, as opposed to that of the prominence, which is created by magnetic dips. A pair of null points is always associated with the parasitic bipole. These null points are connected by a separator passing through the prominence bubble. We show how the presence of an additional parasitic bipole moves the separator to the boundary between the bubble and the rest of the prominence, producing a topology favorable for the reconnection and possibly a formation of plumes.
Zářivě-(magneto)hydrodynamické semináře
Zpravidla 1x za 14 dní ve čtvrtek od 11 hod (říjen–červen) v zasedací místnosti slunečního oddělení pracoviště Ondřejov.
01/12/2011, 11:00Konkoly Observatory, Budapest, HungaryThe extreme outburst of the young eruptive star EX Lupi in 2008Abstract: EX Lupi is the prototype of EXors, a spectacular group of low-mass pre-main sequence stars characterized by repetitive optical outbursts of 1-5 mag lasting for a few months-to-few years. The outburst is attributed to enhanced accretion from the inner circumstellar disk (within ^X0.1AU) to the stellar surface, probably triggered by an instability in the disk. The historically largest outburst of EX Lupi in 2008 Jan-Sep offered a unique opportunity to understand deeper the physics of the EXor eruptions. In my talk I will summarize the main results of our coordinated observing campaign, in which we used a large set of telescopes to observe and characterize the path of accretion from the disk onto the stellar surface, with the aim of comparing the different models of outburst physics. Our measurements also demonstrated that the brief episodes of highly increased accretion, apart from contributing to the build-up of the final stellar mass, have substantial effect on the structure and composition of the circumstellar material: We discovered episodic crystallization of silicate grains in the disk surface due to the increased luminosity during the 2008 outburst, resulting in material that forms the building blocks of comets and planets.
Semináře oddělení GPS
Zpravidla v knihovně pracoviště Praha–Spořilov v různé dny.
14. 03. 2012, 13:00European Space Astronomy Centre, Madrid, SpainRelativistic iron lines as the probe of black hole innermost accretion discsAbstract: X-ray spectroscopy of active galaxies and black hole binaries provides an opportunity to explore the innermost regions of black hole accretion discs. I will make a brief introduction to relativistic distortion of the iron fluorescent lines and its application for measurement of black hole angular momentum. Very steep radial decrease of the disc reflection emissivity has been detected in several X-ray sources suggesting the disc-irradiating corona to be compact and very centrally localised. I will discuss whether the special conditions on the corona properties are indeed required, and/or whether the steep radial emissivity could be an artifact of model assumptions. I will present two different effects which might account for the steep radial emissivities, the angular directionality of the reflected radiation properly calculated in the fully relativistic regime and the radial dependence of the accretion disc ionisation. I will show that these effects may also influence the measurements of the black hole angular momentum.(Takes place at: Sporilov library)