Research projects

  • Provider European Comission
    FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2011-1 Number 283883-NMI3-II 02/2012 - 01/2016
    Proposer Joint project of European neutron and muon reseach facilities

    nmi3_web_smallThe NMI3 project falls within the activity 'Research Infrastructures' of the EU 7th Framework programme. The Integrated Infrastructure Initiative for Neutron Scattering and Muon Spectroscopy (NMI3) brings together 21 partners from 13 countries, including 10 research infrastructures, together with other interested organisations (see overview on the web).

    NPL is funded as one of the partners within the NMI3 program of FP7. Therefore, within its Access activities,  we are able to support our users from EU member countries and associated states, except those from Czech Republic, by the reimbursement of travel and subsistence expenses.

    For more information on user access to the NPL experimental facilities, see this page.

  • Provider Grantová agentura České republiky
    Proposer RNDr. Anna Macková, PhD., UJF AV ČR, v.v.i.
    Co-proposer RNDr. Vladimír Havránek, CSc., UJF AV ČR, v.v.i.
    Hanna Boldyryeva, UJF AVČR
    Title Ion Beam Analysis study of crystalline structures

    Main aim of the project is the characterization of the structures based on LiTaO3, single crystal SrTiO3, BaTiO3 and KTaO3 doped Pb, Mg materials using ion beam analysis. Crystalline structures investigated in this research are very promising for the preparation of planar lasers or are applicable in microelectronics - high permittivity materials. The dopant depth profiles, stoichiometry of crystalline structures will be measured by RBS, ERDA and PIXE.The positions of the interstitial dopants in doped crystals and the crystal modification under the used deposition technologies can be determined by the innovative analytical technique (RBS-channeling) and the crystal lattice changes will be studied by comparative method XRD in collaboration with Forschungzentrum Rossendorf. The important part will be the study of superlattice structures and their interfaces using RBS-channeling. The results of the above mentioned analyses will be confronted with properties of the prepared structures.

  • Provider European Space Agency
    AO/1-6052/09/NL/CBI 2010-2011
    Proposer Ing. Stanislav Pospíšil, DrSc,. UTEF ČVUT Praha
    Co-proposer Jiří Vacík, CSc., ÚJF AV ČR, v.v.i.
    Title Neutron Facilities in the Czech Republic for Calibration and Testing of ESA-Compliant Neutron-Sensitive Devices

    The subject and principal aim of this proposal is the study and evaluation of neutron source facilities in the Czech Republic within preparatory activities for ESA purposes/needs. A parallel smaller part is the design and realization of short-term modifications of instruments. Long-term and major modifications and instrument upgrades can subject of future work.

  • Provider Grantová agentura České republiky
    GAČR, 107/11/1856 2011-2013
    Proposer Jiří Vacík, CSc., ÚJF AV ČR, v.v.i.
    Title Metal-fullerene nanocomposites and their biological applications.
    Název Nanokompozity kov-fulleren a jejich biologické aplikace.

    The main topic of the grant project is the study of thin films of hybrid composites based on carbon allotropes (especially C60) and transition (and noble) metals, their preparation, modification and characterization, and also the study of their biological properties (i.e., biotolerance, adhesion of bone-type cells, their growth, differentiation, etc.). The purpose is to develop novel hybrid materials with well-defined structures and interesting properties attractive for applications (e.g., for tissue engineering). For fabrication of the composites, suitable deposition techniques will be used; for characterization of the films an arsenal of analytical methods will be at our disposal. The preliminary experiments demonstrated an interesting aspect of the project – the possibility of preparing composite materials with regular structures at a (sub-) micron scale level either created due to spontaneous self-organization (induced by a certain deposition kinetics), or because of coordinated phase separation initiated by thermal annealing or irradiation with energy ion beams. The specific goal of this project is to shed more light on the onset, mechanisms and kinetics of the above-mentioned phenomena.

  • Provider Akademie věd České republiky
    KAN400480701 2007-2011
    Proposer Jiří Vacík, CSc., ÚJF AV ČR, v.v.i.
    Title Nanostructures based on carbon and polymers for application in bioelectronic and medicine.
    Název Nanostruktury na bázi uhlíku a polymeru pro využití v bioelektronice a v medicíně.

    The main goal of the project is synthesis and characterization of promising nanostructured composites (mainly of carbon allotropes and synthetic polymers) exhibiting important biological and other (electrical, optical) properties that would be possible to utilize in the interaction with biological systems. The synthesized composite materials (based on fullerenes and metals, carbon and polymers, modified nanocrystalline diamonds, carborans, etched ion tracks and ion implantation or irradiation) will be inspected from the viewpoint of biocompatibility, adhesion and growth of cells and other bioapplications. Another goal of the project is demonstration of the active hybrid system based on combination of a cell (biomolecule) and microelectronic device with a modified nanocrystalline diamond as an interface.

  • Provider Akademie věd České republiky
    GAAV, IAA400320901 2009-2011
    Proposer Tomáš Baše, PhD., ÚACH AV ČR, v.v.i.
    Co-proposer Jiří Vacík, CSc., ÚJF AV ČR, v.v.i.
    Title Gold and silver surfaces modified with functional derivatives of boron hydrides
    Název Zlaté a stríbrné povrchy modifikované funkcními deriváty hydridu bóru

    Gold and silver polyhedral particles with narrow size distribution and average diameter ranging from micrometer to nanometer dimensions will be prepared and securely deposited on titanium containing substrates (Ti or its alloys). The particles assembled into a consistent film with controlled roughness and morphology will be modified with selected thiol derivatives of boron hydrides. These substrate surfaces will be additionally treated with cell adhesion-mediating peptide-based ligands for cell adhesion receptors in order to promote and control the adhesion, growth and differentiation of osteogenic and vascular cells in cultures on the developed layers. Gold or silver nanoparticles will be tested in combination with fullerenes C60, i.e. carbon allotrope which proved to be a good substrate for the adhesion and growth of bone and vascular cells in our earlier studies. Potential cytotoxicity of silver containing layers in correlation with their antimicrobial properties will be tested.

  • Provider Grantová agentura České republiky
    GAČR 107/11/0704 2011-2015
    Proposer Ing. Martin Petrenec, Ph.D., ÚFM AV ČR, v.v.i.
    Co-proposer Ing. Přemysl Beran, Ph.D., ÚJF AV ČR, v.v.i.
    Title Optimization of structure and properties of advanced high-temperature cast materials alloyed with carbon by complex heat treatment
    Název Optimalizace struktury a vlastnosti moderních vysokoteplotních litých materiálů legovaných uhlíkem pomocí komplexního tepelného zpracování

    The aim of the project is development of new advanced cast multiphase gamma based TiAl-8Nb-X alloys alloyed with the graded carbon content (0.2 to 1 at. %), produced so far only by powder metallurgy. Sufficient thermo-mechanical stability of these alloys will be guaranteed by the lamellar structure strengthened by favorable distributed precipitates obtained using an optimized complex heat treatment. The main pertinent applications of the alloys suggested are turbocharger rotor or gas turbine blade in automotive and power industry, respectively, in which a decisive degradation mechanism represents creep-fatigue interaction at higher temperatures. The structure of new-developed cast alloys and its thermo-mechanical stability will be studied both in virgin state after optimized heat treatment and after high temperature creep-fatigue tests. Neutron diffraction (in-situ and post-mortem studies), TEM (transmission electron microscopy) and other modern experimental techniques will be used for the structure analysis and the study of damage mechanisms.

  • Provider Akademie věd České republiky
    M10048090 2009-2011
    Proposer RNDr. Pavol Mikula, DrSc., ÚJF AV ČR, v.v.i.
    Title Braggova difrakční optika pro difraktometrii termálních neutronů s vysokým a ultravysokým rozlišením

    Program interní podpory projektů mezinárodní spolupráce AV ČR (spolupráce ÚJF AV ČR, v.v.i. a KAERI Daejeon)

    In the last decades many papers have been published in which successful employment of curved perfect Si crystals as neutron monochromators or analyzers in particular diffraction experiments has been reported. It has been found that due to the spatial condensation of neutrons (because of asymmetric diffraction geometry or focusing in real space), one may obtain a high monochromatic-beam density comparable to that of the mosaic monochromators. Taking into account reflectivity and the resolution properties of curved crystals Popovici et. al. (Missouri University) demonstrated a feasibility of the optimized curved crystal three axis spectrometer having the properties generally better than those of spectrometers employing flat mosaic crystals. New interest in the reflectivity and focusing properties of curved  perfect crystals has been evoked also by successful testing of the bent  perfect crystals employed in double-monochromator systems, or for medium-resolution small-angle scattering diffractometers. Favourable properties of bent Si crystals for short wavelength monochromatization have been reported and very efficient original double and triple axis arrangements employing the bent perfect crystals have been proposed and then tested for residual stress measurements of polycrystalline materials. In the last decade the neutron diffraction group of NPI ASCR, v.v.i. has been concentrated on the development of new unconventional types of neutron monochromators permitting significantly to increase figure of merit of some dedicated neutron scattering instruments. In this way a cooperation with colleagues from HANARO Centre in KAERI has appeared very fruitful.

  • Provider International Atomic Energy Agency
    IAEA CRP F1-RC-1158.1 2009-2013
    Proposer RNDr. Miroslav Vrána, CSc., ÚJF AV ČR, v.v.i.
    Title Development, Characterization and Testing of Materials of Relevance to Nuclear Energy Sector Using Neutron Beams

    Participation with the task: Development and optimization of high-resolution neutron scattering instruments dedicated to characterization and testing of materials of relevance to nuclear energy sector and related experiments in SANS, residual strain/stress and texture studies.

  • Provider Grantová agentura České republiky
    GAČR 204/10/0654 2010-2012
    Proposer RNDr. Jan Šaroun, CSc., ÚJF AV ČR, v.v.i.
    Title Monte Carlo simulations of complex neutron optics systems

    The aim of the submitted proposal is to get financial support for development of Monte Carlo methods for simulations of complex neutron optical systems, including their experimental validation and application to the research of dispersive multiple reflections of neutrons in elastically bent crystals. The new methods will be implemened in existing and well established software package RESTRAX, which has been developed at the NPI Řež. The results of experimental research of multiple Bragg reflections supported by Monte Carlo simulations will be employed in the development of high-resolution monochromators and analyzers. The ultimate goal of the proposed research is twofold: (a) Creation of an easy to use, validated and efficient software for modeling and optimization of neutron spectrometers employing advanced neutron optics elements and for data analysis; (b) Development and tests of dispersive multiple reflection monochromators suitable for ultra-high resolution measurements.


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