The most recent issue of the Studia Rudolfina Bulletin has just been published. It includes articles devoted to the plans by Elias Holl in the collections of Rudolf II, the possibility that the church of SS. Peter and Paul in Kralovice is the work of Bonifaz Wohlmut, and the church of St. James in Jičín in the context of Roman architecture around 1600. The painting of Mary Magdalene by Josef Heintz the Elder has recently been restored, leading to a revision of views held up till now.

Attached file: Stranky z SR11_obsah.pdf

Attached file: SR11 anotace-1.doc

V 11. čísle Bulletinu Studia Rudolphina naleznete články věnované architektuře a vizuálním uměním na pozadí širšího dobového a společenského kontextu. Konkrétní obsah Bulletinu je k dispozici v příloze.

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