Úplné zatmění Měsíce: výletu na Žalov nikdo neželel
Ondřejovská observatoř přivítala 15. června 2011 desítky hvězdářských nadšenců i odborníků, kteří se na kopci Žalov sešli, aby společně pozorovali úplné zatmění našeho věčného souputníka - Měsíce. Ten nad jihovýchodním obzorem vycházel krátce po deváté hodině večerní, ovšem kvůli oblačnému počasí jej nebylo možné sledovat. Byla to škoda tím víc, že se jednalo o jediné úplné zatmění, které lze na našem území pozorovat až do roku 2015, a také o jedno z nejdelších zatmění v tomto století vůbec - fáze úplného zatmění trvala přes hodinu a 40 minut. Návštěvníci Astronomického ústavu AV ČR ale neodcházeli domů s prázdnou: ondřejovští hvězdáři pro ně zpřístupnili obě historické pozorovací kopule a astronomické muzeum, na zvídavé otázky odpovídal popularizátor Pavel Suchan z ASÚ AV ČR. Příjemného večera se zúčastnil také legendární Krtek, který nedávno doprovázel amerického astronauta Andrewa Feustela na poslední misi raketoplánu Endeavour.
2 Mar 2012 The European Research Council marks 5 years of funding to over 2,500 top researchers
The European Research Council, which funds outstanding researchers throughout Europe, is 29 February 2012 turning five. To celebrate this milestone, the ERC is organising a two-day event starting today in Brussels with first-class research personalities from around the world. The event “5 Years of Excellent IDEAS” will chart the ERC's achievements to date; it will allow participants to share their thoughts on excellence and "brain circulation" in the global scientific landscape and will deem how crucial frontier research is for Europe's growth and competitiveness.
24 Feb 2012 Cooperation between the AS CR and the Czech Radio Broadcast
A reciprocal cooperation between the AS CR and the Czech Radio Broadcast was confirmed on 19. January 2012 by signing of the Memorandum. At the occasion of this ceremonial act Jiří Drahoš, the president of AS CR met in his office with the director of the Czech Radio Broadcast Petr Duhan and other guests.
The Academy of Science of the Czech Republic together with National theatre organized on Wednesday, January 4, 2012 a new years performance in Estates Theatre in Prague. On this gala occasion which has become already a tradition met the representatives of the academia, politics, Church and other honorary guests. The chosen performance for this year was an imaginative opera Magic Flute by Mozart in which fairy-tale and comic elements meld with sage philosophy and symbolism of the mysterious Masonic order.
5 Jan 2012 Open Position – Junior Research Team Leader
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the ASCR, v. v. i. invites applications for the position of junior team leaders in the field of biochemistry and molecular biology.
4 Jan 2012 Seminar – Particle Physics in Transition
Institute of Physics ASCR invites you to a seminar Particle Physics in Transition by prof. Max Klein of the University of Liverpool on January 11th, 2012 at 15:00.
18 Dec 2011 Czech President Václav Havel passed away
Former Czech and Czechoslovakia president Václav Havel died at 75 at his country home in Hradeček, north of Prague. Václav Havel’s last public appearance was on December 10, 2011 when he met with his close friend Dalai Lama and signed an appeal in support of dissidents around the world. Václav Havel first came to international fame as a dissident playwright in the 1970s through his involvement with the human rights manifesto Charter 77. He was prosecuted for his stances and spent almost five years in prison; his prison stay contributed to his later health problems. He became the first post-communist Czechoslovak president in late 1989. In 1993–2003 he was the first president of the independent Czech Republic. The Czech cabinet is to meet for a special session on Monday to consider a date of a National Day of Mourning.
12 Dec 2011 Junior Ambassadors of Science and Technology
Six Czech students were recognized as Junior Ambassadors for their achievements in science and technology at the Academy of Sciences on December 12, 2011. Five boys and one girl were chosen under the Junior Ambassadors of Science and Technology pilot program launched in July 2011 by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, the U.S. Embassy in Prague and American companies operating in the Czech Republic.
19 Oct 2011 Europa Nostra Award for Tomáš Durdík
The European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage/Europa Nostra Awards celebrate excellence in cultural heritage conservation, ranging from the restoration of buildings and their adaptation to new uses, to urban and rural landscape rehabilitation, archaeological site interpretations, and care for art collections. Moreover, it highlights research, dedicated service to heritage conservation by individuals or organisations and education projects related to cultural heritage. The awards are supported by the European Commission in the framework of the Culture Programme. Europa Nostra is in charge of organising the selection and the award ceremony.
15 Sep 2011 World-leading scientists will shed new light on climate
World-leading climate scientists gather in Germany 18-23 September 2011 to present new research on how Earth’s land areas – forests, soils, permanently frozen regions, deserts, croplands and pastures – affect the global climate.
14 Sep 2011 The key breakthroughs will come in future from exceptional physicists, not from philosophers
Martin Rees is Master of Trinity College and Emeritus Professor of Cosmology and Astrophysics at the University of Cambridge. He holds the honorary title of Astronomer Royal and also Visiting Professor at Imperial College London and at Leicester University. After studying at the University of Cambridge, he held post-doctoral positions in the UK and the USA, before becoming a professor at Sussex University. In 1973, he became a fellow of King's College and Plumian Professor of Astronomy and Experimental Philosophy at Cambridge (continuing in the latter post until 1991) and served for ten years as director of Cambridge's Institute of Astronomy. From 1992 to 2003 he was a Royal Society Research Professor.
30 Aug 2011 European Heritage Days in Château Liblice
The Prize is to be given annually. The prize will include a monetary award of 1200 USD. The charter of the prize is attached. The deadline for accepting this year's contribution is December 31, 2011. Dr. Zdenek P. Bazant, McCormick Institute Professor at Northwestern University, Evanston, member of NAS, NAE and AAAS, and a famous alumnus of CTU in Prague.
21 Jun 2011 Tony Martinek have been named as the 2011 recipients of the Blake H. Gooding Memorial Award
Conestoga’s developers of an exam program for Certified Engineering Technologists and Technicians will be recognized for their significant contribution to the profession at a gala awards ceremony to be held in Toronto in October 2011. Tony Martinek, P.Eng., former Dean of Conestoga’s School of Engineering Technology and Principal of the Doon Campus, and Jeff Schelling, LLB, corporate solicitor for the Regional Government of Waterloo, have been named as the 2011 recipients of the Blake H. Gooding Memorial Award bestowed by the Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists (0ACETT), as professional association established in 1962 to maintain high standards for the profession of Engineering/Applied Science Technology.
7 Jun 2011 Honorary Fellowship for Professor Jan Palouš
The Royal Astronomical Society honored Professor Jan Palouš from the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic as an Honorary Fellow of the Society.
22 Apr 2011 ELI Beamlines gets the green light!
The European Commission finally approved the ELI Beamlines project. This is the first of the large projects of the Operational Programme Research and Development for Innovation (OP RDI) to be approved. The main purpose of the project consists of the construction of a cutting-edge research complex in the central Bohemian town of Dolní Břežany for a budget of almost 7 billion Czech crowns. The center should become operational at the beginning of the year 2016. ELI will be a top-of-the class research infrastructure providing the best conditions of access to the international scientific community.
20 Apr 2011 Representatives of the Czech Republic visited ESO at Paranal
On 6 April 2011, the ESO Paranal Observatory was honoured with a visit from the President of the Czech Republic, Václav Klaus, who also took the opportunity to admire Cerro Armazones, the future site of the planned E-ELT. The distinguished visitor was shown the technical installations at the observatory, and was present when the dome of one of the four 8.2-metre Unit Telescopes of ESO's Very Large Telescope opened for a night's observing at Cerro Paranal, the world's most advanced visible-light observatory.
19 Apr 2011 Results of International Audit on Research, Development & Innovation
The province of Carinthia is making two grants available for participation in the Management of Protected Areas MSc course. The grant of € 6,200 is targeted at applicants from Central and Eastern Europe, which have a need to make up economic ground on other European states. It gives applicants access to international expertise and global networks. Both grants will be awarded as part of a competition. Apply now, the terms and conditions are detailed below.
15 Mar 2011 Celebrating the spirit of invention
Czech scientist Professor Blanka Říhová of Microbiology Institute of the Academy of Sciences has been nominated for the prestigious European Inventor Award 2011 for her research and development of synthetic polymeric drugs to combat cancer. The driving force and motor behind the innovation process is people with a passion for discovery. Without the inquisitive mind, the search for new ideas, and creativity of human beings there would be no inventive spirit and no progress. As one of the most prestigious competitions of its type, the European Inventor Award pays tribute to the creativity of all inventors who, in applying their technical, scientific and intellectual skills, make a major contribution to technological impact, economic growth, and improvement in people's daily lives.
14 Mar 2011 EUSJA Study Trip to Prague
On the Verge of International Year of Chemistry was the theme of the first study trip for European journalists united in the European Union of Science Journalists’Association (EUSJA) organized by the Czech Science Journalists Club, the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry (IOCB ASCR). The purpose of the three-day meeting (November 29 – December 1, 2010) was to improve communication between the Czech scientific community and society and to promote contacts between journalists in the field of scientific and technical communication. The study trip was supported by the ASCR Centre for Administration and Operations.