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Department of Technology Transfer

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Head: Petr Bažant, PhD, MBA
E-mail: bazantatbiomed [dot] cas [dot] cz
Phone: +420 296 443 350
The crucial role of the department is to provide assistance to the research departments and laboratories of the Institute in their efforts to translate the innovative ideas and outcomes of their research work into business and clinical practice. The collaboration of public research centers with private companies and other application partners (e. g. hospitals) has been a worldwide trend. Technology transfer has become even more important in light of the research and innovation reform adopted by the Czech government in 2008.
The Institute has taken advantage of the opportunity to use available European Union structural funds for its technology transfer projects. The completed Center for the Support of Competitiveness in Biomedicine project focuses on developing human resources and raising public awareness of biomedicine in general and stem cell therapy in particular. A number of research workshops, conferences and tailor-made training activities have been realized within the frame-work of this project, focused both on experts and also on the general public.

To facilitate the desired cooperation of the private sector with public research organizations in biomedicine, the Institute proposed the construction of an Innovation Center for Biomedicine and eventually succeeded in the project competition to obtain financing for the Center, the only business incubator facility in the Czech Republic equipped with class A clean rooms. This technology, featuring constant monitoring of the air quality, enables the development of stem cell products for the treatment of various diseases and disorders, e. g. spinal cord injuries, articular cartilage, diabetic leg etc. Several new spin-off companies have already begun operations in the incubator, opened by Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek in October 2008.
Training of the Institute‘s researchers in biomedical technology transfer is another recently started EU-funded project, planned to last two years.
Its objective is to improve the capabilities of researchers by providing them with training in communication and presentation skills, intellectual property right protection and legislation, mainly in the field of biotechnology. The other part of the training programme will focus on pre-clinical development and clinical trials, including governing legislation and practical examples (case studies), both national and international, and further on biotechnology product security and quality management.