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Academy of Sciences
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Proceedings (2008)

List of 54 papers in proceedings published in 2008. List is in alphabetical order by the first author. Scientists from our institute are underlined.

Bárta, Miroslav - Karlický, Marian: Modelování slunečních erupcí. In Zborník referátov z 19. celoštátného slnečného seminára Popradno 2008. Sloveská ústredná hvezdareň, Hurbanovo : Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2008. S. 1-8.

Bárta, Miroslav - Karlický, Marian - Büchner, J.: Multiškálové modelování fragmentace proudové vrstvy ve sluneční erupci. In Zborník referátov z 19. celoštátného slnečného seminára Popradno 2008. Sloveská ústredná hvezdareň, Hurbanovo : Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2008. S. 1-4.

Bennert, N. - Canalizo, G. - Jungwiert, Bruno - Stockton, A. - Schweizer, F. - Peng, Ch. - Lacy, M.: Searching for mergers in early-type QSO host galaxies and a control sample of inactive ellipticals. In Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Bulges. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008. S. 235-236.

Borges Fernandes, M. - Lorenz Martins, S. - Kraus, Michaela - de Araújo, F. X.: On the evolutionary stage of the galactic unclassified B[e] star CD-42°11721. In Mass Loss from Stars and the Evolution of Stellar Clusters.
San Francisco : Astronomical society of the Pacific, 2008. S. 147-148.

Bumba, Václav - Klvaňa, Miroslav: Pravidelnosti v rozložení planet během posledních pěti cyklů a sluneční aktivita. In Zborník referátov z 19. celoštátného slnečného seminára Popradno 2008. Sloveská ústredná hvezdareň, Hurbanovo : Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2008. S. 1-3.

Ceniga, M. - Krtička, J. - Kubát, Jiří: Stationary model of a line driven wind with rotation. In Mass Loss from Stars and the Evolution of Stellar Clusters.
San Francisco : Astronomical society of the Pacific, 2008. S. 155-156.

de Ugarte Postigo, A. - Castro-Tirado, A.J. - Gorosabel, J. - Fatkhullin, T. A. - Sokolov, V. V. - Jelínek, M. - Sluse, D. - Ferrero, P. - Kann, D.A. - Klose, S. - Bremer, M. - Winters, J.M. - Nurenberger, D. - Perez Ramírez, D. - Guerrero, M.A. - French, J. - Melady, G. - Hanlon, L. - McBreen, B. - Aceituno, J. - Cunniffe, R. - Kubánek, P. - Vítek, S. - Schulze, S. - Wilson, A.C. - Hudec, René - González-Pérez, J.M. - Shahbaz, T. - Guziy, S. - Pavlenko, L. - Sonbas, E. - Trushkin, S.A. - Bursov, N.N. - Nizhelskij, N.A. - Sabau-Graziati, L.: GRB 070610: Flares from a peculiar Galactic source. In Gamma-Ray Bursts 2007: Proceedings of the Santa Fe Conference. Melville : American Institute of Physics, 2008. S. 337-341. ISBN 978-0-7354-0533-2.

Dudík, J. - Dzifčáková, Elena - Karlický, Marian - Kulinová, Alena: Hydrostatické modelovanie EUV a RTG emisie koróny aktívnych oblastí. In Zborník referátov z 19. celoštátného slnečného seminára Popradno 2008. Sloveská ústredná hvezdareň, Hurbanovo : Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2008. S. 93-97.

Dzifčáková, Elena - Karlický, Marian: Vplyv elektrónového zväzku a spätného prúdu na spektrá slnečnej erupcie. In Zborník referátov z 19. celoštátného slnečného seminára Popradno 2008. Sloveská ústredná hvezdareň, Hurbanovo : Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2008. S. 89-92.

Heinzel, Petr: Understanding the solar chromosphere. In Exploring the solar system and the universe. Melville, New York: American Institute of Physics, 2008. S. 238-244. ISBN 978-0-7354-0571-4.

Hudec, René - Šimon, Vojtěch - Hudec, L.: ESA Gaia and GRBs. In Gamma-Ray Bursts 2007: Proceedings of the Santa Fe Conference. Melville : American Institute of Physics, 2008. S. 578-580.

Hudec, René - Slošiar, R.: The Indirect Detection of GRBs by Ionospheric Response-Detection of GRB060124A. In Gamma-Ray Bursts 2007: Proceedings of the Santa Fe Conference. Melville : American Institute of Physics, 2008. S. 265-268

Hudec, René - Münz, Filip - Pian, E.: Observations of blazars by the ESA INTEGRAL satellite. In Workshop on Blazar Variability across the Electromagnetic Spectrum. Trieste : Proceedings of Science, 2008. S. 1-7.

Hudec, René - Bašta, Milan: Very long term observations of blazars candidates for supermassive black hole binaries. In Workshop on Blazar Variability across the Electromagnetic Spectrum. Trieste : Proceedings of Science, 2008. S. 1-7.

Hudec, René - Sik, J. - Lorenz, M. - Pína, L. - Semencová, V. - Míka, M. - Inneman, A. - Skulinová, Michaela - Švéda, L.: Recent progress with x-ray optics based on Si wafers and glass foils. In Recent progress with x-ray optics based on Si wafers and glass foils. Bellingham : International Society for Optical Engineering, 2008. S. 1-12.

Chapanov, Y. - Ron, Cyril - Vondrák, Jan: Estimation of the short-term zonal tides from UT1 observations. In Journées 2007 systemes de référence spatio-temporels. Models and numerical standards in fundamental astronomy. II.. Paris : Observatoire de Paris, 2008. S. 208-209.

Chapanov, Y. - Vondrák, Jan - Ron, Cyril: Decadal oscillations of the Earth rotation. In Exploring the solar system and the universe. Melville, New York : American Institute of Physics, 2008. S. 197-200.

Chapanov, Y. - Vondrák, Jan - Ron, Cyril - Štefka, Vojtěch - Tsvetkov, M. K. - Tsvetkova, K. P. - Goranova, Y.: Astroinformatics: processing and analysis of digitized astronomical photoplate data – a link between astronomy and geosciences. In Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Modern Technologies, Education and Professional Practice in Geodesy and Related Fields. Sofia : FIG, 2008. S. 205-211.

Klvaňa, Miroslav - Humpula, M. - Sobotka, Michal: Návrh řídícího systému pro teleskop EST a kalibrace jeho souřadnicového systému. In Zborník referátov z 19. celoštátného slnečného seminára Popradno 2008. Sloveská ústredná hvezdareň, Hurbanovo : Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2008. S. 1-8. ISBN 978-80-85221-60-2. [Celoštátny slnečný seminár Popradno 2008 /19./, Popradno (Považská Bystrica), 12.05.2008-16.05.2008, SK].

Klvaňa, Miroslav - Sobotka, Michal - Melich, R. - Melich, Z. - Rail, Z.: Celodiskový dalekohled pro teleskop EST. In Zborník referátov z 19. celoštátného slnečného seminára Popradno 2008. Sloveská ústredná hvezdareň, Hurbanovo : Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2008. S. 1-4.

Korčáková, Daniela - Kubát, Jiří: Radiative Transfer Models for Be Stars. In Perspectives in Radiative Transfer and Interferometry. Les Ulis : European Astronomical Society, 2008.
S. 23-30. ISBN 978-2-7598-0074-2.

Kotrč, Pavel: Poměr profilů čar H-alfa/H-beta v erupci z 26. 6. 1999. In Zborník referátov z 19. celoštátného slnečného seminára Popradno 2008. Sloveská ústredná hvezdareň, Hurbanovo : Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2008. S. 82-84.

Koubský, Pavel - Daflon, S. - Hadrava, Petr - Cunha, K. - Kubát, Jiří - Korčáková, Daniela - Škoda, Petr - Šlechta, Miroslav - Votruba, Viktor - Smith, V.V. - Bizyaev, D.: A spectroscopic study of HD 208905. In Multiple Stars Across the H-R Diagram. Berlin : Springer, 2008. S. 67-70.
Kraus, Michaela - Kubát, Jiří - Krtička, J.: Wind emission of
OB supergiants and the influence of clumping. In Clumping in hot-star winds : proceedings of an international workshop. Potsdam : Universitätsverlag Potsdam, 2008. S. 51-54.

Kraus, Michaela - Borges Fernandes, M. - de Araújo, F. X.: The winds and disks of B[e] supergiants. In Mass Loss from Stars and the Evolution of Stellar Clusters. San Francisco : Astronomical society of the Pacific, 2008. S. 185-186. ISBN 978-1-58381-644-8. [Mass Loss from Stars and the Evolution of Stellar Clusters, Lunteren, 29.05.2005-01.06.2005, NL].

Krtička, J. - Kubát, Jiří: The mass loss from hot Pop III stars. In First stars III. Melville : American Institute of Physics, 2008. S. 254-256.

Krtička, J. - Kubát, Jiří: The influence of X-ray emission on the stellar wind of O stars. In Mass Loss from Stars and the Evolution of Stellar Clusters. San Francisco : Astronomical society of the Pacific, 2008. S. 189-190.

Krtička, J. - Puls, J. - Kubát, Jiří: The influence of clumping on predicted O star wind parameters. In Clumping in hot-star winds : proceedings of an international workshop. Potsdam : Universitätsverlag Potsdam, 2008. S. 111-113.

Krtička, J. - Korčáková, Daniela - Kubát, Jiří: Influence of the frictional heating on the wind line-profiles of SMC stars. In Mass Loss from Stars and the Evolution of Stellar Clusters.
San Francisco : Astronomical society of the Pacific, 2008. S. 191-192.

Krtička, J. - Muijres, L. - Puls, J. - Kubát, Jiří - de Koter, A.: The influence of inhomogeneities on hot star wind model predictions. In The Art of Modeling Stars in the 21st Century. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008. S. 283-287.

Kubánek, P. - Vítek, S. - Castro-Tirado, A.J. - Jelínek, M. - French, J. - Nekola, Martin: Additional software required for robotic telescopes. In Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVII. San Francisco : Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2008. S. 705-708.

Kubát, Jiří - Saad, S.M.: Moving absorption bumps in the spectra of Be stars. In Clumping in hot-star winds : proceedings of an international workshop.
Potsdam : Universitätsverlag Potsdam, 2008. S. 245-245.

Kulinová, Alena: Projekt slnečného robotického dalekohľadu - SORT. In Zborník referátov z 19. celoštátného slnečného seminára Popradno 2008. Sloveská ústredná hvezdareň, Hurbanovo: Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2008. S. 151-153.

Lynnyk, A. - Vandas, Marek: Statistical study of the fitting of the magnetic clouds. In WDS'08 - Proceedings of Contributed Papers. Part II. Physics of Plasmas and Ionized Media.. Praha : Matfyzpress, 2008. S. 127-132.

Palouš, Jan - Wünsch, Richard: Star Formation and Evolution of Galaxies. In Exploring the solar system and the universe. Melville, New York : American Institute of Physics, 2008. S. 387-392. ISBN 978-0-7354-0571-4.

Rajchl, Jaroslav: Součinnost komplementárního , Cardanův svět a neúplnost. In Člověk ve svém pozemském a kosmickém prostředí. Bulletin referátů z konference. Úpice : Hvězdárna v Úpici, 2008. S. 176-178.
Ron, Cyril - Štefka, Vojtěch - Vondrák, Jan: The new CCD Zenith Tube. In A Giant Step: from Milli- to Microarcsecond Astrometry.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008. S. 120-121.

Řípa, J. - Mészáros, A. - Hudec, René - Wigger, C. - Hajdas, W.: The RHESSI Satellite and Classes of Gamma-ray Bursts. In Gamma-Ray Bursts 2007: Proceedings of the
Santa Fe Conference. Melville : American Institute of Physics, 2008. S. 56-59.

Řípa, J. - Huja, A. - Mészáros, A. - Hudec, René - Hajdas, W. - Wigger, C.: A Search for Gamma-ray Burst Subgroups in the SWIFT and RHESSI Databases. In Gamma-Ray Bursts 2008: Proceedings of the Nanjing Conference. Melville : American Institute of Physics, 2008. S. 71-74.

Sobotka, Michal: Novinky ve výzkumu slunečních skvrn. In Zborník referátov z 19. celoštátného slnečného seminára Popradno 2008. Sloveská ústredná hvezdareň, Hurbanovo : Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2008. S. 1-6.

Svoboda, Jiří - Dovčiak, Michal - Goosmann, René - Karas, Vladimír: Comparison of relativistic iron line models. In WDS'08 Proceedings of Contributed Papers. Part III - Physics..
Prague : Matfyzpress, 2008. S. 204-212.

Šidlichovský, Miloš - Gerlach, E: Secular evolution of exoplanetary systems and close encounters. In Exoplanets: Detection, Formation and Dynamics.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008. S. 479-484.

Šíma, Zdislav - Vatrt, V. - Vojtíšková V.: Přesnost nového geopotenciálního modelu EGM08 na území České a Slovenské republiky. In 15 rokov vojenskej geografie. Sborník príspevkov z konferencie. Banská Bystrica : Topografický ústav Banská Bystrica a Slovenská asociacia pre geoinformatiku, 2008, s. 61 – 67. ISBN 978-80-89261-21-5, plus CD.

Škoda, Petr - Šurlan, B. - Tomic, S.: Investigation of residual blaze functions in slit-based echelle spectrograph. In Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy II. Bellingham : International Society for Optical Engineering, 2008.

Škoda, Petr: The VO-compatible Spectra Archives for Small Observatories. In Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVII.
San Francisco : Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2008. S. 462-465.

Škoda, Petr: Common methods of stellar spectra analysis and their support in VO. In Astronomical Spectroscopy and Virtual Observatory. Noordwijk : ESA Publications Division, 2008. S. 97-104.

Štefka, Vojtěch - Vondrák, Jan - Pešek,
I.: Three-year solution of EOP by combination of results of different space techniques. In Journées 2007 systemes de référence spatio-temporels. Models and numerical standards in fundamental astronomy. II.. Paris : Observatoire de Paris, 2008. S. 169-172.

Tziotziou, K. - Tsiropoula, G. - Heinzel, Petr: Influence of seeing on cloud model parameters obtained from Hα observations. In First Results From Hinode. San Francisco : Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2008. S. 63-67.

Uytterhoeven, K. - Koubský, Pavel - Harmanec, P. - Telting, J. H. - Yang, S. - Richards, M. T. - Ilyin, I.: Evidence for rapid variability in the multiple system 68 u Her. In Multiple Stars Across the H-R Diagram. Berlin : Springer, 2008. S. 53-58.

Vondrák, Jan - Ron, Cyril: VLBI observations of nutation, its geophysical excitations and determination of some Earth model parameters. In Journées 2007 systemes de référence spatio-temporels. Models and numerical standards in fundamental astronomy. II.. Paris : Observatoire de Paris, 2008. S. 95-98.

Vondrák, Jan - Ron, Cyril - Štefka, Vojtěch: Solution of Earth orientation parameters in 20th century based on optical astrometry and new catalog EOC-3. In A Giant Step: from Milli- to Microarcsecond Astrometry.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008. S. 89-92. ISBN 978-0-521-87470-0.

Vondrák, Jan - Štefka, Vojtěch: Combination of space- and ground-based observations to create astrometris catalogs. In Exploring the solar system and the universe.
Melville, New York : American Institute of Physics, 2008. S. 147-153.

Votruba, Viktor - Feldmeier, A. - Kubát, Jiří - Nikutta, R.: Multicomponent Stellar Wind of Hot Stars. In Mass Loss from Stars and the Evolution of Stellar Clusters. San Francisco : Astronomical society of the Pacific, 2008. S. 229-230.

Votruba, Viktor - Feldmeier, A. - Kubát, Jiří - Rätzel, D.: Multicomponent stellar wind of hot stars. In Clumping in hot-star winds : proceedings of an international workshop.
Potsdam: Universitätsverlag Potsdam, 2008. S. 252-252.