Petr Malinsky


4.1.1981, Chrudim, Czech Republic

Education and specialization:

2002 - 2006:

 Faculty of Pedagogy and Faculty of Science, J.E.Purkynje University in Usti nad Labem

Specialization - Tutorship of Physics and Mathematics

2006 - present: 

Faculty of Science, J.E.Purkynje University in Usti nad Labem, PhD student

Specialization - Computer methods in physics and technology

PhD thesis - Aplication of ion beam analytical methods on structures with

new electrical and optical propertis.


Work experiences: 

2006 - present

Institut of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Prague (analysis with RBS, ERDA methods)


Other skills: 

Languages - English, German 

Programming: Fortran, C, Linux 

Analytical methods - AFM, XPS, TEM, Plasma treatment