Polsko a Československo v roce 1968 [Poland and Czechoslovakia, 1968]

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Blažek, P. – Kamiński, L. – Vévoda, R. (eds.): Poland and Czechoslovakia, 1968. Papers from an International Scientific Conference. ICH Prague and Dokořán Publishers, Prague 2006, 361 pp.Petr Blažek – Lukasz Kamiński – Rudolf Vévoda (eds.)

Polish and Czechoslovak histories influenced each other significantly in 1968 — the Polish troops’ participation in the occupation of Czechoslovakia in August 1968 is just an example. Both Czech and Polish historians present here the major issues of bilateral contacts and relations and their different forms. The internationals contexts are also mentioned. Most of the papers are based on recently declassified archive documents, which demonstrate the existence of a surprisingly broad resistance in Polish society against the forcible suppression of the Prague Spring. The miscellany is primarily based on papers delivered during the conference prepared by the Polish Institute of National Memory in cooperation with the ICH and the Office for Investigation and Documentation of the Crimes of Communism in Prague upon the occasion of 25th anniversary of the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact troops.


Demokratická revoluce 1989 Československo 1968.cz Němečtí odpůrci nacismu v Československu výzkumný projekt KSČ a bolševismus Disappeared Science

Obrazové aktuality

Autor fotografií Martin Vadas
Autor fotografií Martin Vadas
Autor fotografií Martin Vadas

V pátek 17. června 2011 se ve studovně Ústavu pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, v. v. i. konal odborný seminář „Květnové volby 1946 – volby prohrané či vítězné ? Československo před bouří“, který pořádal ÚSD AV ČR ve spolupráci s Nadačním fondem angažovaných nestraníků.
