Nejbližší akce

12.3.2012 07:00 - 15.3.2012 19:00 Evropský týden mozku

12.3.2012 10:00 The Molecular Clock Work of Alzheimer's Disease

23.3.2012 10:00 - 23.3.2012 18:00 Jaroslav Štědra - Obrazy

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Akademický bulletin


Videa ze světa vědy


projekt BIOCEV

Conference Career horizons: Academic trajectories and early stage researchers

December 7, 2010 - In the Czech context the debate on the early stage phase of academic careers is limited to high numbers of uncompleted doctorates and low financial appraisal. The aim of the workshop is to open the debate more broadly. We are interested in exploring and discussing the relationship between academic positions of early stage researchers, their career prospects and changing institutional contexts of knowledge production.




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